Ist Reiten ein Hobby überwiegend für Frauen?

Also jetzt mal bezogen auf Deutschland.

Ich persönlich kenne z.B. aus meinem Freundes- und Bekanntenkreis ganz viele Reiterinnen, jedoch keinen einzigen Mann, der Reiten als Hobby hat. Und das liegt jetzt nicht daran, dass ich mehr Frauen als Männer kenne, das ist tatsächlich sogar eher umgekehrt würde ich sagen.

Warum ist das so? Oder täuscht mich mein Eindruck? Stimmt gern ab und schreibt eine Begründung dazu, sofern ihr eine habt.

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1 year ago

Is also the case with u ns.

But it’s really regional, originally riding was very male.

The horse was the car before.

1 year ago

I meanwhile know such a number of men, including my friend;) And here in the village a few more. My stable owner, by the way.

Especially when it comes to professional sports, many men are there.

I think it’s less important to the region. In young years and in puberty, the boys must already have “eggs” to keep themselves in the horde horse maids and, above all, to withstand the stupid sayings of the fellow students, etc. Many stop riding.

Otherwise yes, there are probably more women than men, at least in Germany. In other countries this is probably another thing.

1 year ago

Girls ride more often than boys. I see that with my students and I see it when I go riding. When it comes to competitions, it’s different.

A way to meet women.

1 year ago

I really believe that this is deceived. I myself ride and I’m a man. That’s exactly how I know some other men who ride.

In Germany this may be different, but now for example go to UK. There are a lot of men riding. Or even in Iceland many men ride. Many of the top athletes in riding are also men.

Problem is that if you are young, especially at school, you will be annoyed when you ride as a boy. I didn’t think so. But that’s how it is


1 year ago

…most travel instructors, trainers and also often the staff and pensioners are women.

training is about as hard as in a nursing job, the working hours are also so similar and it is paid crap. such non-lucrative jobs hardly makes a man.

if there were more male trainers and riding instructors, more young rides would also go. young in the sensitive old looking for male pictures. in general, one tends to be equal with maleity. the same is with autority. if the autority of a male trainer is usually accepted without a murren, a female trainer applies, which drives a clear line often as strict or it is felt as if she “screams up”

that so little young rides has something to do with subjective perception.

ps – jörg pilawa rides for example. in a pure men’s riding group. trainer is a woman.^

1 year ago

It’s the same with us. In the past, however, only men were ridden. But I can imagine that it is different in other countries/regions.

1 year ago

This has nothing to do with the region, but simply that men are not interested in it.

1 year ago

Feels yes.

1 year ago

hobby area really outweigh women

in the professional area predominate men

Men and women are talking about other things about horses

1 year ago

the men do not make such a theater around.

1 year ago

… Men are not women… (the least profound psychology response).