Ist Rauchen wirklich krebserregend, wie alle sagen?
Also gestern war ich (27) stark alkoholsiert,und hab unter Drogeneinfluss meine Mom geschlagen. Sie hat geweint,und möchte mich überhaupt nicht mehr sehen. Was soll ich tun,ich traue mich nicht mich zu entschuldigen, aber sie möchte nichts mehr mit mir zutun haben. Es tut mir wirklich leid,aber ich kann mich nicht entschuldigen. Was tun?
Hallo, mein Vater arbeitet in einer Führungsposition in der IT der deutsche Bahn und ist somit auch lange beschäftigt. Es ist normal, dass er am Tag 12-14 Stunden arbeitet, obwohl er immer wieder betont, wie sehr ihn die Arbeit stresst und wie sie ihn kaputt macht. Er ist 61 und hat auch wird in ein…
Schonmal das gefühl gehabt das ein Arzt euch nicht untersuchen will ? Weil ihr jung und deshalb gesund sein müsst ? Als ich das letzte Mal zu meinem Hausarzt gegangen bin hat er alle meine Symptome auf mein rauchen / übergewicht oder sonstiges geschoben Jetzt ist es leider so das sich mein Gesundheitszustand sehr verschlechtert…
Ein drogensüchtiger umd alkoholiker glaub 35 jähriger hatt stress angefangen mit meinen 15 oder 16 jähriger bruder er meinte auch er will das selbst klären da der typ meinte irgendwer hätte von meinem bruder die Freunde von ihm geld geklaut was ich sogar selbst weiß das er und die es nicht war sondern ein anderer…
jeden Tag 1 Zigarette Malboro white ohne abhängig zu werden?
This is the dangerous thing in today’s time: all expertise will be denied and according to opinions will be harmless.
Smoking is not only carcinogenic, but also causes various other diseases.
If you smoke and drink alcohol, the risk of getting cancer is tenfold. However, as cancer develops unnoticed over many years, it is possible to say many years to avoid damage.
And even if a addiction has consequences, one still denies:
“My doctor said I should stop smoking because my open legs are a consequence of smoking. But that can’t be because I’ve been smoking for decades and never had open legs before!”
The fact that smoking favours the development of various forms of cancer is proven beyond any doubt. Maybe interesting: diseases/
Why does science have to be questioned again and again?
A thousand times.
The word “carcinating” is used for so much. It implies that everyone who smokes gets lung cancer, which is absurd. Cancer-causing substances increase the risk of cancer by a multiple. Some smoke their lives and get stoned. Most smokers are lucky. My colleague died of lung cancer with 39. My grandparents smoked so much that even the dog got lung cancer. The couple also died of lung cancer.
Cigarette smoke contains up to 70 (seven!) toxins, most of which are suspected of being carcinogenic. The “Mar***-Man” was actually non-smoking. He died of lung cancer (qualifying/painful)…
Please stop before it’s too late! Better: don’t start smoking…)
By the way: You still consume “filtered”. Your fellow men (in your immediate vicinity) don’t…
up to 70 (seven!) toxins, KANZEROGENE… Toxins are over 200…
You should have mentioned the post-coma text after my contribution… At least 70 toxins (of which) are currently suspected of being carcinogenic.
you wrote “Cigarette smoke contains up to 70 (seven!) toxins, of which the majority are suspected to be carcinogenic” And that’s wrong now, because it’s easy 200 GIFTSTOFFE and not just “up to 70″
Can it happen more, not every smoker gets cancer, let’s say that.
Smoking is carcinogenic, but not carcinogenic, is supposed to mean that cancer is favored by tobacco, but not every smoker therefore gets cancer
If you don’t get cancer, it’s a nice lung emphysem. Also called COPD. Since unfortunately it is far longer than with cancer
If more than 90% of lung cancer smokers are or were, there is certainly a connection.
The example with Helmut Schmidt is completely unsuitable.
My mother died of lung cancer and smoked for 40 years.
In the obduction it came out that she had no smokes
The extinct was because she lived as a child and a young woman in the vicinity of Coal.
I don’t think smoking is carcinogenic, but it favors it.
There are also smokers who are older than non-smoking and do not die of cancer
You want to tell us that smoking is harmless?
It favors cancer but is not carcinogenic
… then you think it’s one. Can I live with
It’s a typical smoker talk.
Yeah, that’s proven.
Yes, it is.
Your question should be whether everyone gets cancer through smoking. It looks different. One gets and the other doesn’t get back.
“One” is over 90% and “the other” is less than 10%.
That can be. Is ́, however, not important for the question.
Is Arsen really a poison?
No, the men who were poisoned by their wives with arsenic have all died of a natural death.
“Is arsenic really a poison?” is an ironic analogy on my part to the question whether smoking is really carcinogenic.
Ask Helmut Schmidt.