Ist Rauchen bei sehr starkem Übergewicht schädlicher?
Also ich bin Raucher seit fast 10 Jahren und bin mittlerweile sehr stark übergewichtig, also so stark dass ich Probleme beim Gehen hab und eigentlich nur im Bett/ Sofa meine Zeit verbringe. Dadurch rauche ich natürlich drinnen und lieg auch durchgehend in dem Rauch, ist das besonders schädlich? Oder so wie bei jedem anderen raucher auch?
It’s clear
Well, smoking itself is harmful. Overweight per se. And both are then as harmful as both together. All the time, either active or passive smoking, is certainly worse than if you smoke actively outside.
Can’t be said at a flat rate.
I am also overweight and strong smoker (40g/24h unfiltered)
Since I have a heart failure (which does not come) a coronary examination was also carried out with me. Not a single deposit.
No signs of cancer
The effects are just as bad for thin people as for thicker ones! Smoking is generally harmful and if there is anything you should stop smoking. Even after 30 years of smoking (as with my parents) one immediately notices an improvement in the condition. You are no longer si schlapping, getting more oxygen etc. Even if you stop so late, you have a longer life expectancy (about 5-10 years )
It should be enough for everyone to stop smoking.
If you keep going, you’ll be in the grave and not on the sofa. It’s not healthier. You need help with doctors. Get rid of the nicotine problem first, and after that, get rid of it.
At least the lungs are loaded and noxious substances also go into the blood. To reduce smoking would be useful. You can also go to the fresh air so often; the lung cleanses and the oxygen absorption improves.
You stand or lie in the grave with a body half. Please find help from professionals and doctors immediately.
I don’t think that makes a big difference. If you’re at home with others, then you breathe the smoke of them just that it’s your own smoke now. It’s not a big difference.
Best regards from Emilia
Yes, of course, obesity is very dangerous. If you’re Dick, it can shorten life. If you smoke, you can’t expect to get over 50.
Yes, absolutely. What is more harmful? A health problem or two? Much lies/seat is also extremely harmful, even regardless of obesity.
Yes but I can’t move much
If you want to change something, you should start here in small steps, that’s right. This is of course also a little work. You write too, you’re just having trouble walking? There are also many other possibilities of movement. Otherwise, I would visit a doctor at your place and work out a plan with this as you get out of your misery – this can also better respond to your personal physical needs.
To be too thick is already harmful. In addition to having a doubtless harmful habit, the matter makes even more harmful = sicker.
Of course, this is particularly harmful. Other smokers move, it does the organs well.
if you don’t want to change anything on either side or on the other, which I can understand, you should be able to get an air cleaner if you don’t lie in the smoke all the time.
You’re a two-way heart attacker. Once overweight and then smoking. To this end the lack of movement, the lack of fresh air etc..
Yes we regularly ventilate through
That’s not the same. The smoke is stuck everywhere.
Don’t you mind? That can’t be a life you have right now.
Yes but going out is too exhausting for me now with my weight
Yes definitely
Both smoking and overweight and lack of movement increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, thrombosis and associated embolism. Your risk is increased by a multiple compared to smokers who are normal weight and move regularly.
You don’t get old like that.
Yes Movement hurts me meanwhile and I get herzrasen, I think I’m better…
Well, keep going…. and a nice short life. You obviously don’t want to be different.
I slowly begin to doubt the truth of your questions.
Yes, you just raise the risk for KHK very strongly
coronary heart disease, i.e. deposition in the vessels, both overweight and smoking promotes something, both potentiating each other
Oh, yes.. I take Statine
If you continue to do this, it will end badly. Just half feeds as the beginning. And remember the people who work for you, too.
What do you mean working for me?
Yes, then are two risk factors.
in the grave, so yes