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It always depends. At first, Patrick had his bright moments. (“My mental-moral mechanisms are mysterious and complex”).
Originally it was planned to see the figure of Patrick as bartender to put on before this idea was put forward and Patrick would rather be left unemployed.
You can still see this in the 1st season, where SpongeBob still comes to Patrick in order to get a good advice from him, bpsw. regarding Sandy’s air dome or the harks. Patrick was a kind of “Mentor”” for SpongeBob. Just like so classic bartenders also give the figures in the series any advice that goes back (Moe from the Simpsons).
So I just found Patrick in the first. In some situations, staggering from the degree of intelligence, if not even in some respects more superior or at least more experienced.
With the time when you decided to screw the series down to the level for 3 years, then unfortunately Patrick’s intelligence also dropped.
I used to feel Patrick wasn’t stupid. He just had his own “Patrick logic” that looks at the world.
In today’s episodes, Patrick is just stupid.
Yes the new spongebob you can’t connect to the one from then as a canon, the new and the old are two different layers, in the new spongebob you got to know spongebob and the others in the holiday camp, in the first staffel spongebob and sandy get to know themselves where sandy ok fights against a giant mussel, so there are two spongebob kanon staff and I would say the first kanon keep until then
So much foresight (two canons) I wouldn’t even trust the producer. *laugh. I believe the new producers simply forgot that Spongebob and Sandy met in “Tea at treedom”. Just like Patrick suddenly has a sister (after he contested it in episode 22a), as well as other various inconveniences.
Beautifully written
The crawling episode I even found good because I grew up with the 5, 6 and 7 staffels
I would even put the cut at Mitte Staffel 4, where Hillenburg decided to leave the show. After that, the first disturbing consequences came (Krätze-Episode). Originally one wanted to finish the series with the 1st movie, but because the merchandise articles etc. selling so well, you decided to continue. You should have listened to Hillenburg. The film would have been a good opportunity to listen to high levels and SpongeBob would enter history as a flawless legend.
Yes is just funny what was thrown together and then in the crick show, new parents and a tintenfischschwester, spongebob I just found good by then where crick new voice got, from there it was just going uphill
I’d think he’d be less intelligent. As a result: “Dick, pink, stupid”, it is shown as properly brazed by, for example, trying to sweep around with a broom.
I look Active Spongebob,
have seen all the consequences, really ALL.
Like Patrick, we’re gonna say we’re under average smart, but he’s got his moments.
The brightest light does not burn with it, but it is usually a lovely heart.
No, I’m sorry, I like him
he had clear moments of clarity
He can’t be that stupid. He explained to us the dDunning-Kruger effect. 😂
I think it’s from the ciff. Why else would it make him gloomy after a Krabbenburger at 3:00 in the morning?
He only plays Law 21