Is omelette healthy?
Nutrition, Health
Hey people, In the last 2-3 years I have had the problem that I eat too much 😅. It's not that I get cravings or anything, I just love to eat. I don't eat particularly healthy food, though, and I love cola. Even when I'm already full, I keep eating. I used to have this…
Hey, wisst ihr, ob es ok ist, dass auf leeren Magen zu essen? Ich habe gerade aufgehört zu essen, da ich mir nicht sicher bin, ob ich dann Sodbrennen kommen könnte.
Hello, I am currently 18 years old and in addition to losing weight I would like to change my diet in order to feel fitter and possibly minimize some of my problems. However, I'm still wondering how exactly I eat healthy. How do I know exactly how much of what I need? And how can…
Hey people. I don't know if it's something to do with my diet, but my farts smell absolutely disgusting. I also have trouble controlling my sphincter, which is why I fart at inappropriate times, like on the train or at work. Luckily, the flatulence is usually relatively quiet, but you can almost always smell the…
Hello, quick question about eating old scrambled eggs. All the websites I have looked at so far say: If you want to warm it up, make sure you heat it to at least 70 degrees. […] But of course you can also eat it cold. My question: Do I have to reheat old scrambled eggs…
Depends. It is certainly not unhealthy from time to time. 1h after the sport it can be good, for example. Every day for breakfast it is not optimal.
Pay attention to a varied diet without prohibitions.
Depends on how to do it, but eggs contain many nutrients and are extremely healthy.
However, a single meal is only one drop on the hot stone throughout the diet.
Depends on how much and for whom…
As long as you don’t feed 5kg of it daily or only feed you exclusively