Ist Norwegen “besser” als Schweden?
Mit “besser” meine ich die Lebensqualität, Sicherheit, Politik und die Sozialen Aspekte etc. Wenn ihr also schon mal in Schweden/Norwegen wart, könnt ihr gerne von eurer Ansicht erzählen und wie ihr beide Länder empfindet.
The relationship between the two countries is about as between Switzerland and Germany.
As Norway is flooded with money due to its oil supplies (as Switzerland is from its banks), income is significantly higher and, of course, also the state fund praller is filled.
Sweden has a developed social state and a regulated labour market with conditions that are actually very similar to Germany. In principle, Norway has the same system, but the amounts are quite 50 percent higher than in Sweden.
Older Swedish students are traditionally looking for summer jobs in Norway. Due to the absolute freedom of movement between the Scandinavian states (more than in the EU), they can work there at any time and the language is almost the same, so as when a German goes to Switzerland.
Also in trade union newspapers, Sweden’s reports have always been quite happy in Norway with significantly higher wages and lower labour performance requirements. That’s the same thing you hear as a German from Switzerland.
Are you still alive in Sweden right now?
No. Since about six weeks again D-land
Generally, are you happier back in Germany?
What better?
Is it better?