Ist Nikotin in seiner Reinform ohne Zigaretten etc. ein Medikament (z.B. gegen Schizophrenie, ADHS etc.)?

Ich hab das hier gefunden:

Wo steht, dass das Nikotin den präfrontalen Cortex aktiviert bei Schizophrenie.

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6 months ago

Is nicotine in its pure form without cigarettes etc. a drug

It is used as a drug at least in some situations.

Based on the linked article: Yes! In some diseases CAN nicotine have a positive influence in the treatment.(In some patients it works, in others it does not.) It is not suitable to fix the causes, but only to mitigate the effects – if the patient responds to them.
That’s the same for painkillers. They fix the consequences, but not the cause. And yet they help the person concerned. In some autoimmune diseases or in some cases of rheumatism, snake poison is used. For many decades, even in viral diseases, one has been relying on the use of a weakened version of the virus as a drug, so that the body is stimulated to produce defenses.

There are therefore many substances which, in principle, have negative properties which can be helpful in the correct dosage for various diseases.