Ist MRT weniger schädlich als Röntgen?

Ich möchte wirklich noch eine Ganzkörper MRT machen, da bisher an anderen Stellen nie was gefunden wurde. Leider bin ich beunruhigt da die Ärzte mich nicht so ernst nehmen, weil ich jung bin.

Habe aber immer Schmerzen. Vor allem, Kopf-Nacken-Kiefer-Rücken. Untersuchungen von Kiefergelenk und Hirn habe ich schon hinter mir auch Physio etc. etc.

Ich befürchte, da könne eine Skoliose dahinter stecken und würde gerne ein MRT machen aber ich habe halt angst, dass ich durch MRT irgendwann Krebs bekomme, wenn ich es so oft mache, habe aber irgendwo gelesen es wäre nicht schädlich wie Röntgen.

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2 years ago

Hello Thea,

you have to leave the decision to the doctors,
there is no way to go.

It would be good if you were Precise information of possible causen
could make this an approach to treatment
or also avoid your problem.
Do you have any also morning problems?

When and in what attitude or activity is
Worst pain?

Are you a belly side or back sleeper?

Do you have morning problems or only in
a certain attitude or activity ?

The best therapy does not help in the long term, as long as the cause
Watch your body around the cause
to be able to determine.
Always happy and quick improvement
opi venerable

2 years ago
Reply to  Thea93

Please behave by imaging procedure

Please also search for the causes your body says
it’s your pain.
toi, toi, toi
Good night and healthy sleep!

2 years ago

If some things have already been excluded and you have another suspicion, you can contact him with the doctor and he’ll discuss with you if it makes sense to follow him. Whether this is with/without MRT, you will learn.

2 years ago

MRT is as far as I’m informed I’m totally unobjectionable – so even highly pregnant women can be examined with it!

From the source: Is there any harmful radiation in an MRI?

… You see, one of the great advantages of MRT examination is health safety, because no ionizing radiation is used and thus the body is not loaded.

In this way are also more frequent investigations unobjectionable.

Happy for you!

2 years ago
Reply to  dermitdemball

Therefore, highly pregnant women can also be examined with this!

Wrong. Advanced pregnancy forbids an MRI as spontaneous miscarriages can occur.

2 years ago


simple answer: does not exist. Imaging (like any examination at all) requires a specific question with an indication of a body region to be examined, which results from a rational. You can’t just take photos and then watch what you find. Every person has anomalies and most are harmless. Classic spell in radiology: bad questioning, bad finding.

Question answered?

Love greeting

2 years ago

There are no indications that MRT could be harmful with the current state

2 years ago

No health insurance will pay you a whole body MRI.

In addition, no MRT is required for the diagnosis of a scoliosis.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thea93

A concise technique simply makes no sense. I don’t think you can do that. A doctor will certainly not participate in nonsense, because there are numerous reasons for your problem, which cannot be determined by imaging technology.

2 years ago

You can make a whole body MRT at your expense.