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One can go after the analgetic potency. Here, the pain-stilling effect of a substance is compared with that of morphine. Heroin (diacetylmorphine) is considered to be about 2.5 times as potent as morphine.
This does not necessarily have to do with the noise effect. I would compare the dose ranges and potency levels of consumers. Useable averages can be determined from many such data.
Note that this is not a dose recommendation. What was an average good dose for others can be too much for others. Aside from the enormous dependence potential.
Also interesting: group/
what is more of the two in the noise effect?
You can dose any drug high. However, how the noise will feel for a person is highly subjective and dependent on numerous individual factors. It is possible that different people here come to different views when it comes to the question of which of these substances produces the stronger noise.
Can you call and compare the psychonaut wiki links?
Where information is only limitedly reliable if one assumes that it is the consumption of black market drugs whose purity is not known without drug checking.
But one of them must be more potent
The analgesic potency (degree of the pain-relieving effect) is always given in opioids in comparison to morphine. Morphin has the value 1. Diamorphine (Heroin) has a value of approx. 2.5, so is more than twice as painful as morphine.
However, the analgesic potency does not say anything about the degree of enlarging effect. Diamorphine (Heroin) is a multiple potent as morphine… at least the addicts describe it.
Yes, morphine is a strong painkiller, with heroin being a drug available on the street! Make both strongly dependent!
These are both drugs and drugs you hero
Only one is used in medicine and the other take drug addicts on the streets! How do you even talk to me hero? You can also expect a bit of trouble on the Internet!
In Germany, there have been heroin for years as a medicament, and in england even as a normal painkiller. Learning Google in primary school
If you have no idea you shouldn’t say anything
Nobody contested that.
But your way is too precious to keep going, so I wish you a good night and ciao
You need to reprocess morphin so it becomes heroin 🤦🏻 ♂️ ♂️ ♂️ ♂️
And now you go to the term even fast and you understand the analogy under my answer xD
You say it, Derivatives…
Look at the previous questions of the FS! The person has more serious problems!
Five seconds Google research would also have brought you to realize that heroin is a morphine derivative, so so much to it xD
Heroin was originally developed and sold as a drug. But five second google research is probably too much to demand…
Heroin is a form of morphine.
Who asked?
Bzw this is like asking ‘Is chocolate sweeter than dark chocolate’. There are many chocolates. To compare them with a single chocolate variety, you need to specify what variety you look like.
That’s bullshit. H has a potency of 2.5 and MO has a potency of 1. H is not a form of morphine but is obtained semisynthetically from it, thus is another substance.
Are you stupid?