Ist Morbius der beste Film des Jahrhunderts?

Diese Frage regt zur Diskussion über die Qualität und den Einfluss des Films Morbius an. Dabei geht es darum, ob der Film in Bezug auf Handlung, Inszenierung, Schauspiel oder kulturellen Einfluss herausragend ist und ob er das Potenzial hat, als Meisterwerk des 21. Jahrhunderts angesehen zu werden.

Die Bewertung eines Films als “der beste” ist subjektiv und hängt von persönlichen Vorlieben sowie den Maßstäben ab, die man an Filmkunst anlegt. Ist es die Wirkung auf das Publikum, die technische Brillanz oder der Kultstatus? Die Antwort ist offen für verschiedene Perspektiven und Meinungen.

(4 votes)

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3 months ago

In “Morbius”, a general, bumpy plot meets weakly staged action dominated by CGI. In addition, the figures are absolutely lacking in depth. A special manuscript also does not show “Morbius”.
In this respect, he is miles away from being the best film of the century – especially since the best film does not exist anyway, because in this art form the content and optical range is too large.

3 months ago
Reply to  JohannesKremer

Of course! How could I overlook it?

4 months ago

Better than Venom 3. Bader than Venom 2. And the Venom movies aren’t the Knaller. I just found Morbius horrible and in no case is it the best movie of the Jahund…

4 months ago

No, not at all.
Simply one of the many superhero films built according to the same scheme. 🥱

4 months ago

So, for example, “What can I do with a film in post-processing would he be interesting for some people.

Otherwise, this is just a misfortune superhero movie.

Sony stop.

The and DC.

3 months ago
Reply to  Mobwoi

Sony, yes, but from the comics, Morbius belongs to Marvel.

4 months ago

no, because the mainstream goes to oscars:

all about eve

ben hur


man of the rings 3

La la la la la

or imdb:

the condemned

have not seen a film of

my favorite film is i kill giants(“urban”fantasy, according to most a flop)

4 months ago

No. For the simple reason, because the current century does not even have a quarter of its duration. It would be shiny hybris, now a work (book, film, piece of music, plastic – absolutely no matter) to choose the best of the current century in its category. You can put it on a list of potential candidates at most – no more!

4 months ago


He’s another superhero film that goes into the long run of similar superhero films. There is nothing that makes this film special or gives it cult status in the sense of a Monty Python or Breakfast Club.

4 months ago

Absolutely not, Morbius is a normal marvel film and not even very good

4 months ago

My perspective is that I don’t know anyone,
who saw the movie. And cult status has everything today,
what more than 5 people find good.

4 months ago

I’ve never heard of the movie, so he can’t be so good.

4 months ago

Why should this film be outstanding? I don’t find anything that makes him special in any of the points you mentioned. For me, an average to bad movie with a rather thread action. Far away from cult status or a special effect on the audience. And further away from technical brilliance.

4 months ago

Oh, God, no. The film is rather mediocre.

Neither the action is special, nor the staging top class.

I don’t know what the film should have for a cultural influence?

We have a critical main character that seeks healing for himself and all sufferings and reaches this in which he makes himself a quasi vampire.

I don’t know what you’re doing for a masterpiece.

4 months ago

the cult status?

I’m always very careful when I hear that word. Most of the time, it means that these are some completely insignificant works that are consistently defended (and mostly involuntarily) by fans of the niche. I don’t know “Morbius.”

lg up

4 months ago

No. also honestly don’t know how to just get to the idea…

4 months ago

It’s morbin time 🚬