Ist mit 26 ungelernt zu sein schlimm?
Man arbeitet als Hilfskraft weil Studium nicht klappte und man keine Ausbildung gefunden hat/ am Ende erstmal keine finden wollte
man verdient 1800 netto
Man arbeitet als Hilfskraft weil Studium nicht klappte und man keine Ausbildung gefunden hat/ am Ende erstmal keine finden wollte
man verdient 1800 netto
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Yeah, it is. If you don’t look very intensively now, get the spin and put your professional future on solid feet, every year the chances of this could still work in the future. And then, again, the chances are very “good” that you will feed your entire professional life in such helper jobs without too positive prospects for further development, ascent, increase in salary and so on. So not a very promising professional future. And this can have a strong impact on your private life and your life satisfaction…
Couldn’t it be more likely to affect their privacy and life satisfaction because people like you say it would be bad?
Maybe he/she would even be happy and/or satisfied.
Auxiliary jobs are characterized by the fact that they are physically strenuous, mentally less demanding and often involve extremely little appreciation from all sides. In order to get dissatisfied in the long term, you don’t need anyone from the outside who says anything about it that happens on the basis of the framework conditions of such jobs…
I would be more dissatisfied if I were to hocke decades in a company
So you’re not doing your assistant jobs in companies? Then where? In public service?
So I didn’t write anywhere “instead of doing a training” please don’t mind denying anything.
I mean, with my statement that I don’t think it’s bad if it just doesn’t matter, in your life, for whatever reason, it’s not bad.
What exactly do you mean, “It’s not bad if you work with 26 in relief jobs instead of doing training”?
Well, I haven’t written enough.
I didn’t write that he could keep this away.
Now you put that in my mouth (commentary) what you understood or wanted to understand. Little factual.
If someone here asks if something is “slim”, how will this person interpret the answer “Nö, fits!”? Right – as advice that the current path is so completely okay and he can continue quietly. Well, you guessed about a solid training by that answer, whether you wanted it or not.
I totally agree with you. 100%.
And I have not actually advised anyone of a regulated and solid training.
If you want to show me the part in my comments.
I wrote as before that I only answered his question if I find it bad or not.
That was all. And I actually see a problem saying that it would be bad. Because let’s get out of the case. For whatever reason he finds, no training, no study whatever. What is the consequence of this?
He would still be in the help area. Does he have to feel bad about that? Because it’s bad? So according to your statement?
My problem with your comments on my answer is, above all, that I think it is extremely dangerous to advise a young person that even without training it will be somehow good. You know, I’ve been working for a couple of years with free supporters of child and youth help, so I get a lot of people who have no happy coincidences somehow regulated life positively. The lack of training has led to lack of prospects and from there to all kinds of extreme problems which they themselves and later often endanger their children massively. And that’s exactly what I don’t want, and not the children of these Mesnchen, who have to sprinkle this soup! From that point of view, please be happy that it was going well with you, but please do not advise other young people from a regulated, solid education!
What exactly did you think I felt attacked?
I only mentioned my career as an example. To explain why I see it differently. And you can do something unlearned.
Maybe I’m the one who feels attacked. Because you don’t want to testify to be a reason people feel bad. As in my first answer “headed”.
If you don’t relate my answer to yourself and your own career, you don’t have to consider it as an attack on you. I responded to the questioner’s question, not commenting on your career. Please note that! And if you want to report on your way, just answer the question of origin and not comment on other answers…
I also wrote here that there are possibilities of ascent as jmd unskilled.
I said that since I was unlearned until some time ago, but was a foreman of more than 56 employees + back office of a company.
Now I have my own little business.
So it is also unlearned.
Perhaps easier, I can’t judge.
And I do. In the sense of those who sit there unskilled with 26 in such jobs, even though they have more potential. Because it’s just realistic that they won’t be happy in the long term.
Probably not.
But the question was whether it’s bad to be unlearned with 26.
And I have to say that I don’t feel bad about it.
The questioner wanted to study! Do you really think there’s an assistant job that’s what exactly demands and promotes him? Long?
I really see that something different.
Because there is more to help.
You shouldn’t be careful that every person is different.
There are various assistant jobs.
Some are not demanding, some call for the individual.
In addition, there is appreciation among colleagues.
And also from the expert colleagues. Here we are back with the comments from the outside. Or commentary from others who have an expectation in themselves and also put them on other people.
You can do that in a qualified job too. There even easier, because as a specialist you will find a new one much easier!
No business but I know I can quit at any time without losing anything big
No, in no way bad. It doesn’t need any studies or teaching to do a good job that ensures a good outcome.
And 1,800 net is much more than our daughter deserves as a referee. You work for that! Some people don’t get this on track.
Topic can be that outside your employer little is entrusted to you, which makes it harder to earn significantly more quickly. However, there can be occasions every day to make sure that it is completely different.
It’s bad if you don’t work, even though you can. You contribute your part and earn your own money. 1800€ net are easy enough to live well.
I don’t feel bad.
You seem to work and earn your money yourself.
Do you feel bad?
if you think about the future, yes
Isn’t it something socially prescribed?
If you don’t show that and that as a career, it’s less worth it.
You also have unlearned possibilities of ascent.
Do a lesson, then everything is open to you.
You haven’t found an apprenticeship in today’s time? Although you’ve got Abitur? Don’t take it off.
Yes because Abitur is from abroad and in the CV you can see that studies have broken down
A discontinued study would be more advantageous for teaching. Topic is more that you work and earn significantly more than an apprentice. I don’t know if it was a good time in your industry (and a lot of money) to do a lesson. Maybe you deserve if you do a good job for three years more than after training.
This is not a reason to start a lesson and for no craftsmanship reason to reject you as an apprentice.
Specialist in warehouse logistics.
rather work with devices/lists
Sondsrn? Go to the professional advice of the employment agency, which will show you apprenticeships that are suitable for you.
I don’t want any craftsmanship at least not completely craftsmanship because I am not the most skillful