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1 year ago

it is irrelevant Your test results


because everything above 1GB/sec you NOT notice in normal everyday life

1 year ago
Reply to  BlubBlub12347

what does “whether it is properly installed”?

an M.2-Slot can only be properly installed

a syntehtic benchmark does not say anything about it, but only about the possible performance of the NVMe and this also does not over half an hour under full load, but only on the x-height point with the also Samsung advertising

1 year ago

How do you get the 10GB+ per second?

The Samsung 980 Pro uses PCIe 4.0 with 4 lanes. A bandwidth of 7.8 GB per second can thus be achieved.

The 980 Pro is given in reading with “only” 7000 MB per second. In writing it should be only 5100 MB per second.

Do you use two SSDs in the RAID network?

1 year ago
Reply to  BlubBlub12347

10GB+ are not normal.

Here is the data sheet of the Samsung 980 Pro. There is a maximum write rate of 7000 MB/s and the PCIe connection of PCIe Gen 4.0 x4.

Here there is a table for PCIe bandwidth. In the field of Generation 4.0 with 4 Lanes (x4) is a value of less than 8GB per second.

According to a short recherve over Samsung Magician, which runs in the background, it should offer a RAM cache. Thus, the data are first loaded into the CPU memory, which is even faster. This also displays values over possible bandwidth in CrystalDiskMark.

The option is called RAPID.

Here is a forum post about the topic in connection with a SATA SSD.