Ist meine Periode auffällig?
Hallo, ich (w15) bin noch in meinen frühen Perioden Jahren, habe diese noch nicht lange aber eine Sache ist mir aufgefallen: Ich habe meist nur 1½ Tage Blutung und kaum Nebenwirkung, ich weiß jetzt nicht ob das normal ist, bzw unbedenklich, oder ob ich damit zum Arzt gehen sollte, eine Freundin der ich das erzählt hatte hat sehr alarmiert reagiert und ich weiß nicht ob ihre Sorge berechtigt ist.
1 1/2 days of bleeding are quite little. Could be behind it.
If you’re worried, I’d recommend you go to the gynecologist and let that go. There might be misformations behind it, so a checkup wouldn’t be so wrong.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
I would say that this is not so unusual. As each woman is different, each cycle and thus each period are different. Don’t worry about it. But you can also make an appointment with a female doctor or a female doctor for security and talk about it.
Love greetings and all good 🍀
Well, so I wouldn’t say you had to worry first. But you don’t have to react alarmedly. I’d like to say, “You’re happy!” It’s a bit unusual, but it doesn’t have to be bad. That’s why I’d advise you to just go to the female doctor. This is generally good. Maybe your women’s doctor has a girl’s meeting or just make a normal appointment.
I’m also 15 years old and wouldn’t worry about you ^^^ you’re still in puberty and as long as you don’t have bad jokes (still) everything’s okay.