Ist meine Ernährung ungesund eurer Meinung nach?

Bin gerade dabei zu versuchen mich besser und gesünder zu ernähren

Ja die muffins haben es bisschen kaputt gemacht weil will eigentlich nichz mehr so viel Zucker essen aber hatte halt 2 in der Schule und dann noch 2 wührend dem Tag und die sind klein

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2 years ago

Looks good. You don’t need to worry about the muffins at all.

In practice, it works best not to prohibit yourself. Look that you eat about 70% healthy and only 30% garbage.

A bit of sugar is also not a problem at all. Sugar is of course not really valuable and if you exaggerate it, it can end bad – but as long as it remains in a halfway reasonable setting, you can also daily muffins, rubber bears or similar food.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jokerfac3

What about these dishes is good? That’s all sugar.

2 years ago

Eat more vegetables and you can also eat twice for lunch and dinner.

2 years ago

I see a lot of carbohydrates and no vegetables.

2 years ago

If you eat so every day, yes. It lacks vegetables, fish, meat, just everything that is just sugar, sugar, sugar…

2 years ago

Find your nutrition in order

2 years ago


Fresh cheese=too many AGE’s

Wheat rolls=Gluten


Mirror egg=too many trans fats

chicken=too many trans fats and too many AGE’s

Oat flakes=Gluten

Apple=too much fructose


Muffins=Insulated sugar, if butter has been used, extremely much too many AGE’s, eggs were shipped to many trans fats, wheat flour was used, then gluten

Is as healthy as if you drink 2-3 beer every day

2 years ago

Not healthy, not unhealthy, no vegetables, …