Ist meine ernährung gut so (heute)?
morgen: 1 kaffe mit etwas milch, banane, berren und naturjoghurt
mittag: pasta mit cinque-pi sauce (=tomatenrahmsauce mit käse)
nachmittag: 1 apfel
abend: 1 wrap mit hummus, gemüse, halloumi und avocado
kann ich jetz noch 3-4 kekse essen?
Doesn’t sound bad, but sounds like little. You can even eat more than 3-4 cookies.
I would always count my calories, even if it’s hard. So you always have a better overview. Of course, I always do this as a man now that I take the 2000kcal as a starting position. Depending on how much I’m going or I’m running on it or the sport that was made. Then I have the need for calories. So I eat so much.
Sounds pretty healthy. Take 5-10 cookies.
Sounds pretty healthy! You can still eat a few cookies without care
You can if you don’t do it every day. There’s no meat in your diet. It’s okay.
Why do you have to eat meat every day? I won’t.
Don’t have to be every day. But that one or another would not be bad.
I was 6 years vegan and now know that meat is the most valuable food
I’m right. The questioner has only listed the meals of today. It cannot be concluded at all how much meat he eats.
Yes can eat your cookies
find it good would recommend you a snack ^^