Ist meine Ernährung ausgewogen?
Ich esse wöchentlich 14 mal, jeweils 7 mal zum Abend essen und 7 mal zum Mittagessen, frühstück zählen wir nicht dazu…
Also ich esse durchschnittlich 3 mal in der Woche Döner (mit verarbeitetem Dönerfleisch) 2-3 mal in der Woche Pommes, 1 mal in der Woche selbstgemachte Pizza, und sonst einfach Teigwaren, Brot, Kartoffeln und sonstiges halt… Zum Frühstück esse ich immer Früchte und esse selten auch mal nen Joguhurt… Findet ihr meine Ernährung ausgewogen? Könnte sie krebserregend sein?
Sounds like a pampered luxury problem.
Some people don’t eat anything in a day and still live.
It’s average. I’d like to add more salad and fish. Maybe make sure to eat vegetables every day, be it in the form of salad, or just eat carrot or tomato.
Oh yes: Döner is of course not healthy, but better than his reputation. Is with meat (protein), salad, onions, …better than a butterbreze, there you only have bad carbohydrates and fat.
Pommes and diners (especially sauces) are too fatty and the pommes do not contain any significant vitamins.
Pasta, bread, toners and pommes are also highly processed and are full of sugar.
Your diet is very carbohydrate-lastic as a whole while proteins (except in yogurt and diner meat) are very short, as well as unsaturated fatty acids as in avocado, nuts or fish.
Bissy more vegetables would also harm nothing
“We don’t count breakfast…”
If you want an assessment of your diet, it is useless to leave a third of your meals outside.
Much too much strength and fat…
Sure? I’m rather underweight…
Nothing to do with it. Just because you take a lot of fat, you won’t get fat.
But also fat is not always bad. Depends on what fat it is.
But since you eat only fruit in the morning (the sugars are not long enough), it is clear that you are hungry for such big fats in the evening.
You eat wrong.
A great meal is not enough for the body. That’s why you don’t accept.
Pasta, bread and potatoes are strong.