Ist meine Emotionalität normal?
Wenn ich Babys und Neugeborene sehe, bekomme ich Tränen in den Augen und werde emotional (nicht immer natürlich). Ich liebe Kinder und möchte auch gerne Mutter werden.
Es ist mein größter Wunsch ein Teil von mir in meinen Armen zu haben.
Nurse, it’s not traffic hot with me. It is the intimate longing for something familiar, which we have not been able to learn so far, but find it deeply sweet and emotional.
You will come close to this goal at some point and be righteous!
I wish it not only for myself and I am not selfish either. I wish it for all those who long for it. Thanks for the answer. May Allah reward you.
Thanks also for the wishes and your approval, Amin inshallah!
Right. Just those who may not make it health, may Allah make it easier for you! Also, I think the thought is nice to fall asleep and sleep with this tiny being, to know how I will draw his way as a role picture or even simply the fact that we have the power to be able to educate someone with love🥺
I work in a KiTa and it often happens that I have to hold back my tears, even as a man. 😂😂
I love kids too. That’s normal.
It’s quite normal, it always happens to me, Habibti (:
Of course, this emotionality is normal and inshallah you will also get children.
Thanks for the answer and amine.
I can feel
Of course, Grade is also reinforced with me again, as we are at grades in child planning 😀