Ist meine CPU kaputt?

Meine CPU wird grundlos beim surfen im Internet einfach so 70-80 Grad heiß, obwohl sie Wassergekühlt ist. Mittlerweile habe ich alles probiert (neue AiO, neue Wärmeleitpaste, Lüfter entstauben, Kabel geprüft) und mir ist nichts aufgefallen bzw. es hat sich nichts gebracht. An was könnte es noch liegen oder ist meine CPU einfach kaputt?

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3 months ago

For the first time without specifying which CPU, coolers and settings, we can only hot bread talk.

Purely technical, 70-80 degrees are unproblematic for a modern AMD/Intel CPU. They are allowed to reach the 100°C, Intel even up to 105.

This is not optimal when surfing:

  • Try to apply the AIO/air cooling screws again.
  • See in the BIOS whether any optic or speed boosters are active, which can turn the voltage unnecessarily.
  • Undervolt is a good approach to getting the temperature under control.
  • If the components are completely new, let the dealer replace them as a defect.
3 months ago

Water cooling must also bring the heat somewhere. If you don’t get the heat from the system, the water cooling doesn’t bring anything.

Is this always so or relatively new? Perhaps it is currently warmer in the room because much is heated (winter and so)? You may not get the heat from the case because ventilators are not enough or something.

3 months ago


I would like to tap problems in cooling as a defective processor. You can also let him run from the energy settings, and overclocking just full tube, then no matter if you only surf..

3 months ago

Would you check with HWMonitor how much watts go through the processor if you do anything and what is set as a PPT limit.

If I remember correctly, the 7000X CPU boost to 95°C. The topic has been at least. 2 years cleared:

So it’s pretty normal.

3 months ago
Reply to  SchnitzlJoMei


Look what’s going on in the task manager.

3 months ago

Yes, I wouldn’t touch it anymore and get it to repair right away. 70 degrees are also not very warm but extremely hot

3 months ago
Reply to  LordAnil

70 degrees are also not very warm but extremely hot

Bullshit. Nothing happens until 95°C.