Ist meine Angst berechtigt?
Ich hab Angst von Europa aus nach Amerika zu fliegen weil es ja viel weiter entfernt ist und ich Angst habe, dass der Pilot beispielsweise ein Fehler macht und wir dann nie dort ankommen findet ihr die Angst ist berechtigt und wie oft passiert so etwas? Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir meine Angst nehmen würde gerne mal in Argentinien oder Brasilien Urlaub machen 🙂 😃
It’s very unlikely that something will happen to you.
Pilots don’t do so much anymore. the computer is the one that makes most of the work, and it is always available twice for all systems.
it is more likely that you will break your leg on the toilet than having an accident with the flyer
Statistically, it is also more likely to be fatal when driving to the airport in the car than to crash on the plane or get off the course.
Sorry, data2309, I know what you mean, I know where this assertion comes from and yet this is one of those sentences that are really hard to bear in the long term.
Yes, the computers replace a lot of “manual” work. Yes, no pilot holds the vibrating control horn in his hands for more hours and you don’t need a navigator and on-board engineer anymore.
ABER: Who tells the computer what to do? Who monitors if he really does that? Who intervenes correctively?
In other words: Just because you have power steering and tempomat in the car, you are just as in demand as a driver to keep track and slow down in time.
Help238 to get to your original question: Aircraft are extremely redundant: the more important a system, the more common it is.
So also the pilots, there are two who always care to correct any mistake of the colleague. They are also trained to handle quietly and professionally even in situations.
Flying is extremely safe, regardless of the duration of the flight.
Small tip:
Long-haul flights have the lowest accident rate, the most advanced aircraft and, most importantly, the best, by far the most experienced crews.
No pilot whose flight career has only the smallest deviation comes into the cockpit of a long-range jet.
No, so far, every plane has found its destination exception: crash
he also reached a target when crashing. only not the planned
Let’s call it unexpected ground contact