Ist mein Zylinderkopf noch gut?

Hab dieses Auto vor paar Tagen gekauft und haben dies entdeckt. Ich kenne mich nicht gut aus mit Autos aber habe das Gefühl verarscht zu werden. Sieht das schlecht aus? Ich habe das Auto von einem Händler gekauft und habe noch 1 Jahr Garantie. Ich bin bis jetzt nur Kurzstrecken gefahren.

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3 years ago

It looks very bad… The white slimy stuff on the lid is water, probably cooling water. The lumpy in the cylinder head also looks anything but normal. The car seems to have never had an oil change… Whether the whole thing comes from the ZKD, you can’t say flat. The fact is, however, that this should not be so and that it is likely that a motor defect occurs.

You should learn from it and look better in the future when buying used cars. The opening of the oil filling lid is in any case on the To-Do list during the first visit.

3 years ago

It doesn’t look dramatic. It may well be that the vehicle was only standing for a long time and/or was last driven a lot of short distance.

In any case, I would recommend making an oil change with filter and then after about 1,000 km again to look at what it looks like if there are no incidents, such as oil in the cooling water or exhaust gas odour when opening the cooling water balance tank.

3 years ago

At least in my eyes this looks anything but good.

It indicates the cylinder head gasket, a workshop could make an exhaust gas test on the cooling water tank and I would also have an oil test carried out.

Definitely, it looks like an oil change is necessary.

3 years ago

It looks like water in engine oil.

Are you driving short distances? It could also be condensation water as soon as the engine is driven warm again and again a while, it evaporates.

Cooling water does not have so many ways to get into the oil, but the cylinder head seal is one of them can also be a defective oil cooler or something…

3 years ago
Reply to  Mer1e

Then look that enough cooling water is in there, put yourself a bottle of sprout with tap water into the trunk and go for an hour or 2 walk when the water goes empty on the way, what to fill in

3 years ago

Can come through condensation water etc .we have our cars too. Much short distance .

3 years ago

This is probably condensation water in the engine oil happens when a lot of short distance has been traveled. would have to be gone after a longer ride. I’d do an oil change soon.

3 years ago

It looks like water in the oil. Not good.

3 years ago

At first glance (photo 1) it looks as if the car had the last oil change before 100,000km.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mer1e

Not if the Km counter was manipulated.

3 years ago

Drive 40 minutes fast highway. If that stuff is gone, it was just condensation water through many short distances.

Otherwise, get to the dealer and complain.

What exactly is this car?

3 years ago
Reply to  Mer1e

Little km for 12 years. Probably a short-range vehicle.

Make an oil change with filter, possibly a motor flush, remove the mud as far as you come and keep watching it.

Damages of the ZKD are the exception for these cars. That’s why I suspect condensation, no cooling water.

When it gets warm out, the glibber should have disappeared. A fast motorway ride (no full gas!) over 30-50 min should also significantly reduce the mucus.

3 years ago

To assess this, the cylinder head would have to be removed.

3 years ago

Looks great