Ist mein Wellensittich männlich oder weiblich?
Hallo zusammen!
Ich habe einen ca. 1 Jahre alten Welli, bin mir aber bis heute nicht sicher ob es ein Weibchen oder ein Männchen ist… Ich habe gehört ,dass man das am Schnabel sehen kann (blau=männlich braun/fleischfarbent=weiblich -glaube ich), mein Welli hat aber irgendwie beide Farben…
Kann mir da jemand helfen?
You should set better pictures.
At least three photos would be required here.
All recorded in bright daylight.
One should show the wax skin as a close-up sharply in the large picture section from the front.
The second the head of the bird with the eye as a close-up from the side.
A third party the entire shaft section from the rear side.
I wish you a happy hand for your waves.
Best regards
– skilled in the art –
Unfortunately, the picture can be judged badly because it is so dark. Now the wax skin could be both brown and pink
A small explanation of the sexes then you can perhaps see it yourself:
Hahn: Jungtier with pink wax skin, which gets a blue glow. This shimmer then dyes the whole wax skin strongly blue.
Ocean as a young animal (M)
Blueberry adult Welli (M)
Hennen: Young animals have a light blue wax skin with white rings. These have the adult hens even in the time when they are not in a brood. In the fraternal time, it turns brown.
Candy in the mouse, not brutig (W)
Candy in the Brotherly Time (W)
I hope this helps something to determine
can’t be seen exactly and “I have a…” doesn’t sound good either. I hope he has a fellow.
Okay anyway, thank you, he has a fellow;)