Ist mein Vater komisch?
Mein Vater kauft immer alte Autos der hat sich jetzt ein Passat gekauft Baujahr 1988 ich weiß der ist krank dieses Auto so alt mit 50.000 km er hat locker genug dafür bezahlt anstatt sich ein Mercedes AMG zu holen Baujahr 2018 oder so der kauft sich immer so komische Autos vor drei Jahren hat er sich ein Fiat gekauft Baujahr 90 der ist doch krank oder was denkt ihr? Alte Autos sind doch eh bald verboten ich hab dem gesagt Kauf dir ein Mercedes AMG oder ein Audi Elektroauto aber macht er nicht er hört einfach nicht auf und auf uns
He’s not sick but reasonable. The new cars have a much lower, expected running performance and the maintenance costs are completely absurd. With an old fit, you change the brakes at the front completely with discs for about 200 Euro material costs when you do it yourself. Try this at a new car – especially at the AMG spinners, this is a lot more expensive. The new cars also have too much electronics to break.
AMG builds very nice cars and they used to be something special. Since then there have only been some half-wives sitting in there because they have divided things into five – and unfortunately they drive as if they had shared the driving licence – no one wants to have a little self-esteem.
Your father decides which car he buys himself. If he stands on these cars or can’t afford anything newer, that’s the way.
You can start working and saving, then you can buy a Mercedes AMG later.
What your father does with his self-deserved money shouldn’t be your problem, right??
In any case, everything is even better than throwing it out like an AMG for useless proll proscars…for these things everyone knows what types are in there…
Why is your dad supposed to be funny? There are people who don’t care.
He’s not sick, he’s right. I’ve only bought cars that were old and cheap for years. Why should he spend money without point.
Old cars are not forbidden
Precisely old cars are great
Old cars are not banned, the Trabant is allowed to drive even though there is hardly any more insecure and environmental damage. I myself drive a golf 2 of 90 and can understand your father more than just
There are people who like to screw around on old cars.
you do not know the difference between LEIDENSCHAFT and PROLLGEHABE.
if you deserve your money – you can buy an amg…
That’s right….
Why would he listen to a pubic bengel?
An over 30 years old Passat with just 50 TKM running performance has the best conditions for an H-mark.
A Daimler AMG already drives almost every foreigner. The brand is thereby constantly losing value.
Is that a problem that aliens are driving an AMG or how?