Ist mein Simmering an der Gabel schon wieder defekt?

Vor ca. 1/2 Wochen hab ich mein Motorrad wieder geholt und da wurde schon mal der getauscht nun wurde ich gern wissen ob das noch normal ist wie die Gabel Rohre aussehen oder nicht

Das ist von jetzt das Bild p.s hab die Gabel sauber gemacht war nämlich waschen und hab die gleich mit geputzt aber sobald sie ein paar mal eintaucht sieht die wieder so aus

Das war davor

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4 years ago

It collects oil at the bottom of the standpipe. There it doesn’t belong to him, although the pipe looks smooth and over. It can only be that the simmering was not used well.

4 years ago

too little forked oil and tightly tightened or the wrong rubber seal.

the rubber seal is squeezed out.

ps – on the first picture is clearly to see that the whole is so sloping that the sloping tower of pisa gets competitive.

kratzer also has it to be fun. Isn’t that the ding didn’t even fall around?

to be measured.

in a workshop.

again ps: rubs the brake on the side?

4 years ago
Reply to  pony

I think so. Looks pretty violent.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jel82

and the uncoole is – the narrow out of the fork drips directly on the brake disc.

the workshop I would visit with a few kumpels times on a grill party…

4 years ago
Reply to  pony

Rubber seal? This is the cable from ABS…

4 years ago
Reply to  steilgeher

Also in a workshop you only do what the customer wants. The immersion tube makes me feel like it was running in, it was probably painted for years with a hard seal plus dirt and insect residues. That’s why I’ve only been driving bikes with an upside down label and partial trim.

4 years ago
Reply to  steilgeher

and – does not rub the brake or rub it?