Ist mein Schlaf normal?

Hallo, ich, w12, schlafe immer so um die 5 bis 6 Stunden. Tagsüber bin ich fit wie ein Turnschuh, wenig Schlaf macht mir nichts aus. Heute bin ich erst um 3 Uhr nachts eingeschlafen. Vor einer halben Stunde bin ich aufgewacht. Findet ihr das normal oder sollte ich dringend mehr schlafen, auch wenn mir das nichts ausmacht?

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9 months ago

If you don’t need to sleep anymore, it’s like that. Maybe you’re going to get 5 or 6 hours. But don’t be surprised: puberty is also a state of emergency in terms of sleeping needs, it can be good for us that you will eventually turn 7 or 8 hours.

Just listen to your body and enjoy the “night activity” – I found it incredibly great at your age to have the “dark hours” for me…

9 months ago

No, if you’re fit, everything’s best.

I myself sleep as long as I remember no longer than 5 to 6 hours, seven days of the week.

This has been enough for many decades to take my day rested and fit active.

And I am with 71 according to my doctors at “precedent health and fitness”.

All right with you 👍

9 months ago

You should sleep at least 8-9 hours at your age. Try to go to bed much earlier.

That’s how you really slept and fit for school.

9 months ago

Your age is quite common. Sometimes it takes a bit until the sleep rhythm is set and fixed.
So no problem. Is so in many people your age