Ist Mein Rap Text gut?
Ich brauche wieder mal eure Meinung:
ich chille mit kriminellen und Verbrechern aus dem Bezirk,
ihr alle habt euch in mich geirrt,
ich bin ein newcomer mit viel Potenzial,
deine Texte sind für mich eine reine Qual,
ich schreibe meine Texte mit viel Leidenschaft,
ich schreibe meine Texte bis tief in die Nacht,
ich denke nur noch an das Geld,
die neider sind schon wieder mal am bellen.
There’s nothing wrong with you. Like Gustav and Gasthof. I don’t think so. Not at all. This is going to be very hopping and without flow.
I chill with criminals from the district
you were wrong,
No newcomer,
no potential,
you do not get
I don’t care.
I write texts
You stay awake at night
While I’m going to party
dream of money,
I’m living
You’re a envy, I can chill.
Schnirrp, OUT
Doesn’t know what rhythm you’re doing, but something doesn’t match the number of syllables per verse. The text is not necessarily much expressive, but as expectations are usually very low you can get through with it.
Well, I can’t agree with you. I already have a plan as I will do and content is not bad
You mean. I think it’s written in terms of content and there’s nothing it could take off from the other bad rappers. Good luck!
Honest answer:
Your rhymes are okay.
Otherwise, the text does not have much connection and it says: “You all have been mistaken in MIR”
So rather not so nice…
Thank you for your honest opinion
It’s not a lyrical masterpiece now. This is an absolute standard text
Don’t be. A good text for the beginning as I find
Of these Getto texts from people that have never been bad. Is there a lot of things and you all have something in common that you are cruel.
Content/thematically, it’s what makes pretty much everyone, right?
I don’t have much left
So it has to have a real meaning and not just sentences that reimburse themselves
No. No. Sorry, but not good. That sounds like a novice text from 2006.
I think there should be a more eloquent language and more remnant density.
As an example of improvement:
“I compose my texts with a lot of passion,
Yeah, like the starry sky to deep into the night, making you suffer with it.”
As an example of improvement for better rap text.
Well, your example doesn’t make so much sense now…
Sounds cool and I would probably even listen
When the Beat bast top
I would I’ll give you that shit and maybe try again without. mine
You’ve all underestimated fits better, but it’s good.
If, please write it right. I personally find the text terrible.
House Mouse Klaus Reime, sounds like someone else rapper. +Not authentic
I think it’s more than House Mouse. So fast you don’t get to the rhymes
Reimes do not fit well, syllables also not, content nothing
This is so good again!!!
How do you manage to write such good texts 😍😍😍😅