Ist mein Penis zu lang für 191 cm?
Bin 1,91 m groß,und habe schon 18 cm. Ist das zu lang für meine Größe?
Bin 1,91 m groß,und habe schon 18 cm. Ist das zu lang für meine Größe?
Ich wollte einfach mal fragen ob ich zu dümn bin weil meine kollegen es ab und zu sagen ich bin männlich 17 jahre 1:72 und 52.6kg schwer ?
Ich und noch 3 weitere Freunde also sind 4 Personen wollen brownies machen kiffen so 2-3 mal in der Woche brownies hat noch keiner von uns gegessen die frage ist wie viel gramm sollten wir rein tun haben schon im internet geschaut dort steht aber verschiedenes also keine ahnung sind schon stoned also haben alle…
Ich m,16 Messe direkt nach dem Aufstehen 189,5cm . Diese Größe kann ich jedoch nicht lange beibehalten ( nach wenigen Stunden ca 188) und lande abends dementsprechend bei einer Körpergröße von 187cm etwa. Was ist nun meine richtige Größe, die ich angeben sollte wenn mich jemand danach fragt.
Das ist impressive af 😅
Ich habe eine Schiene bekommen und es ist so eine Gehhilfe aber soll ich Krücken trotzdem brauchen weil es schmerzt beim gehen
Moin hatte mir den hoden verdreht und hatte meine op vor 2 Tagen. mir wurde erzählt das ich jetzt ein Band unten da mit sich der nicht mehr verdrehen kann. habe aber echt Angst das ich mich zu viel bewege und sich das Band löst. daher ist meine Frage ob man das irgendwie merkt also…
Even if you were only 161 cm long, it wouldn’t be too big (but it would be more horny from 😂)
And too big for what? Pinking and sex should be possible…
This has little to do with body size. 18 cm is basically very large and for some women this can become painful.
The penis size is independent of the body size. 18 cm is quite a bit but now there is no horsetail. Most women will be happy about it, individual ones may be a little too much.
there is a weak correlation:
No matter, there are many great men with small penis and probably similar to many small men with large penis. There is therefore no too large or too small for a certain body size. Except perhaps from an aesthetic point of view. But you would have to put the whole thing in relation to the golden cut.
most is that too much
As long as he doesn’t grind on the ground, it’s okay. With your size there is no danger
Too long? Isn’t that a normal size?
So, seriously. 18cm is not even too long. At 20cm up, I would call too long. But 18?
Funny. Then I guess I’m in the longer half
In the (international) longer half one is statistically considered with more than 13.12 cm, only as info on the edge. 🙃
The body size and penis size of a man do not hang together at all. Just as good as you could have had 12cm, that’s also possible.
I don’t trust him anymore
Between body size and penis length there is only a very weak or no connection (depending on study). So there are many grown men who have an average long or even a small penis.
18 cm should not be too long. You have to deal with it properly and emotionally, then it works
is clearly too long
More than average, but not too long. The penis is a tool how to deal with it is probably more important than the length, I think.
The size has with the Size nix to do.. You have to deal with it and, if necessary, your future partner. 18 cm is not average but is by no means overdemensioned
Well. A weak correlation is already in
The penis size does not scale with the body size the ratio is therefore no matter.
No, I think the bigger the better, it’s on the job, but it’s much more exciting, my mind.
It’s not too long. Not yet!
It is true, on this page it is below average 😉
No, it’s good.
But he’s only 14.8
No. It’s only about 26 cm.
I rain on this penis Incels
These deplorable neurotics are already punishing themselves. You don’t have to help.
Body size and penis length do not correlate.
18cm is okay.
My friend also has 18cm, is quite entertaining
Since you measured me no
Why measure? It may be that he has 18 cm
the penis size has nothing to do with the body size
Absolutely not too long, that’s normal size. what should I say about 22×5
18cm is normal what would be 14cm???
Open a new account and put the question in a similar way. Make meher here, lots of fun;)
You can’t have a reasonable sex
too long for some women –
for peeing and sixx complete
There’s room to the ground, right?
No 18 cm is long enough.
Make sure you don’t pull furrows while running.
14 cm is euro average. Relax.
The trollt
I reported him for multiple contributions. Are you helping me?
no, from 25 cm it is long
Yes is too long,please shorten
He’s great
no is good
No, too short. The standard is 20 cm
No 13,5
The penis length is not related to body size.
Yeah, you gotta cut out 3cm.