ist mein pc gut mit dem neuen mainboard?

Hallo ich will imir ein neues mainboard kaufen ich habe :

Prozessor (CPU): AMD Ryzen 5 5600X

Grafikkarte (GPU): NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 (8 GB)

Arbeitsspeicher (RAM): Corsair Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2×8 GB) DDR4

und das neue mainboard überlge ich mir das MSI MPG B550 Gaming Plus zu holen also ich will mir ein mainboard bis maximal 120 euro kaufen und ist das die richtige entscheidung oder gibts ein besseres?

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3 months ago

A new motherboard makes sense only when the old one is broken, or you absolutely need features that the old one does not have.

Just because a motherboard is slightly older it doesn’t make sense, only if it can’t offer an upgrade to the previous hardware. You will not get more power through another motherboard

3 months ago
Reply to  knusper113111

4 RAM bars are not always advantageous. There is often the RAM speed only running at 2133 MHz, because four bolts are too high to load the CPU’s chip controller. With 2x 8 or 2x 16GB you drive better.

3 months ago

If it works with your current board, it’s thrown money, you won’t get any more performance. Save until you can upgrade your GPU if you don’t even make a platform change. But AM4 on AM4 “upgrades” doesn’t make any sense.

3 months ago


a new motherboard does little use here. If you have a working board for the setup, keep it.
Better invest the money as a number for a new graphics card.


3 months ago
Reply to  knusper113111

Why invest in such an old platform?

3 months ago

AM4 is EOL. Now great money to invest there is no good option in the long term

3 months ago

If you change the mainvoard, it would be advisable to put on AM5 and zb a Ryzen 5 7500F.

At least if you want to buy the motherboard again.

Because “it’s too old” there’s no reason to change.

Only if it is defective or it does not meet your requirements.

Fact is: really great is not your PC, with the CPU is all right.

You can also stay at AM4 for the first time, if you do not make too big a Uograde on the graphics card.

3 months ago
Reply to  knusper113111

4 graphics cards in the same system…

How’s that supposed to work?

Do you want to use your PC for mining?

3 months ago


A motherboard of the A series is not so great.

You can buy another motherboard, but if the old one does what you need, it’s not worth it.

3 months ago

You have to know.
It doesn’t do much, though.

Because you can’t upgrade aside from the graphics card.

3 months ago

Because of the 4 x RAM no other mainbaord🤷 is worth it.

Don’t give a new one.

3 months ago

Oh, okay.

In principle, only two bars would be better.

4 are such a thing.

But is your old board still working?

If so, keep it simple.

3 months ago

When everything is running, the unmissed money