Ist mein Nasenpiercing zu tief?
Hallo ihr Lieben đ habe mir vor einiger Zeit ein Nasenpiercing stechen lassen hab aber immer wieder gesagt bekommen es sei sehr tief gestochen worden, was sagt ihr denn dazu vielleicht kennen sich ja auch welche mit Piercings aus und können mir die Frage aus professioneller Sicht beantworten :/.
Dazu muss ich vielleicht noch erwÀhnen das ich eine Brille trage .
Didn’t the piercer draw it? Normally, he talks to the customer again if the position fits like that.
I think it’s okay, but I find the Gedöhns irritating at piercing, I think that’s what might bother you and let you think if it’s too deep, I’ve also looked at the top ornament and then you look very carefully at it and thinks quite deep.
Huhu, well, there was a more or less spontaneous decision because I wanted to have a nasal piercing for a long time, was shopping and then there was a jewelry store that offered it, the seller was alone and then made it fast and it was shot… what was really stupid after that
Nose piercing must not be shot. If she did this with the earhole gun, because as the name says, this is only for ear holes. Was not properly executed. By shooting, for example, cartilage is shattered, when stabling, it is only displaced. If you don’t have any problems, you have to decide if you leave it or if you want to make it out. If the positon doesn’t fit you can remove it (it’s not inflamed) and then let it stab at the piercer. Proper first use also consists of titanium.
When she had this shooting thing in my hand, I didn’t even think about it at home I had googled and read how bad it should be:(Well, now it’s so… Was a titan rod in first
If you feel too deep.
Not really