Ist mein Lehrer im Recht?
Hey, ich war 4 Tage krank geschrieben ( von Erziehungsberechtigten) da man das bei uns 4 Tage lang darf. An einem Tag von denen hab ich eine Klassenarbeit geschrieben, die ich jetzt natürlich nachschreibe. Nun will mein Lehrer ein Attest haben aber da ich ja nicht beim Arzt war ist das ja jetzt schwierig? Was soll man da machen? Ja natürlich mit der Schulleitung sprechen aber was gibt es noch für antworten/ Lösungen?
(Frage für jemand anderen)
It depends on the big whole. If you often fail, also apologised by parents, an attest may be required.
On days when class work is written, the school can in principle demand an attest. Otherwise, the class work can be evaluated with 6.
You can try to explain that you didn’t know. At the latest from the higher middle level, this is actually so common and in doubt you will not be able to do much without an attest.
According to question, he wrote the work.
On the other hand, the second part of the sentence that it has not yet been rewritten implies.
I know. He also writes of course, we will see.
I’m afraid he won’t be able to write down naturally.
Clear, with another teacher, as it is actually regulated with you.
It may be that there are different rules for normal absence and absence of clauses.
Leave your parent?
You’re under 18, so it’s a case for your guardians to deal with the teacher and the headmaster.
By the way, a doctor can only write 3 days retroactively ill, question whether this is possible here
Yeah, bad luck, you’ll get a six. Should one actually know that a clause IMMER must be apologised with Attest. Can of course still be a doctor and ask if you get one later
There is no exact regulation+ no rule in our school regulations+ we were told that we need an attest in a exam
Then try to argue with it and in the future you know that you need an attest
Not with us at school. We have abolished the scheme.
Normal is the rule
Teacher is right because you should always have an attest if you were sick during a KA.
It may also be that the teacher has failed. At our school, we have abolished the flat-rate duty to attest to clauses.
There is no exact obligation+ no rule in school regulations