ist mein kleiner zeh gebrochen?

Hallo ihr lieben

heute am strand beim fussball spielen habe ich mich am kleinen zeh verletzt und habe jetzt extreme schmerzen. zeh ist geschwollen, blau und nicht bewegbar. laufen auch sehr schmerzhaft.

hier zum arzt gehen wird aber kompliziert, sieht der zeh gebrochen aus?


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7 months ago

Do you have the pain right in the little toe or in the 4th?

If the little toe hurts, then I suspect that it will probably not be broken but animal-prelled.

If it hurts more in the fourth, then everything can be severely bruised, but the small toe can then very likely to be broken.
But as you can move the toe, I rather believe in a swelling.

I had broken the little toe and there was nothing to hurt, but I could even fold the toe at 90 degrees angle.

You should be a doctor, but he won’t. He’ll take the toes a little, and that’s good. But please go and check it out.

7 months ago

You can’t see that from a photo. I don’t have to go with the little zeh. Try to pamper that the pain is sufficient.

7 months ago

But you don’t have to go with the doctor, he can’t do much on the little toe. But you could stick the toe with a tape with the toe to stabilize it.

I’m not a doctor, but I’ve broken the little toe myself three times.

7 months ago

I have the same thing. For two weeks and it looked the same.
It hurt extremely. Meanwhile, it doesn’t hurt so much, but I can’t run long distances.

I haven’t been with the doctor yet and hope that this will cure on my own.
Hopefully it heals with you faster…

7 months ago

Well possible that the broken is trying to kick as little as possible

7 months ago

Could be:0 doesn’t look good…

7 months ago

So if you can bend it like this without screaming in pain then it is certainly not broken

7 months ago

You can’t see if the toe is broken or bruised.

However, a broken toe is only caught with the neighboring toe and you can do it yourself.

7 months ago

You should go to the doctor to have security – best to an orthopedic.

The foot should be reddened.

I wish you better. 🍀

7 months ago

It is possible that you can only see if the foot is torn. But I’d rather tap a nasty bruise.