Ist mein Kätzchen krank?
Das Kitten hat einen harten dicken Bauch seit dem es bei uns ist ( 2 Wochen). Letzte Woche wurde entwurmt. Es hatte aber keine Würmer. Es hat sehr guten Appetit ist lebendig , verspielt und auch verhaltensunauffällig. Sollte ich zum Arzt trotzdem gehen?
there can be no clue and remote diagnosis!
You have responsibility for this little creature. It can be so much from harmless to life-threatening and you write that it is already so since the kitten came to you two weeks ago. Why didn’t the TA look at it long ago?
Worm cures are, unfortunately, still too often administered blindly without any infestation at all, or the cat was at the TA. This is so insane, because there is no prophylactic effect in worm cures.
For the kittens, I very much hope you were with the two at the TA today and dqas was cleared.
Well, often the veterinarians in newly-created animals give immediately a worm cure to examine the feces is more complicated and expensive than simply stuffing the tablet into the cat, whether chemistry is now so good, but a healthy-acting cat will not make a single annual or semi-annual worm cure sick.
From the vet. Best today.
I have another question about your comment: What disease do you suspect?
I don’t suspect anything. That’s not my job either. Go to the vet today.
TA, now