Ist mein Kaktus noch zu retten?
Ich habe seit ca. 20 Jahren diesen abgebildeten Kaktus. Seit gestern hängt eine Seite runter. Ahnung von Kakteen habe ich überhaupt nicht.
Kann man das anschneiden oder sollte ich ihn komplett wegwerfen ?
Vielleicht hat ja hier jemand Ahnung von Kakteen 😊
It svhaut as if only the middle strain be lifelike.
Attempts (with gloves!) to remove the sick, spoiled plant pellets to the root, small wounds, and caress with charcoal dust for disinfection.
Wait how the healthy “saeule” develops …
Subsequent – possibly reluctant after the “fleege intervention” I recommended above… good thrives and much success. I would like to know the further development
It looks like he has too little light.
Cut off the bent part. When Da Fäulnis is, he had too much moisture. Then you have to renovate everything that is affected by rottenness. You can dry healthy tips at the interface and put them in fresh cactus soil. The tribes new roots.
do not pour at least 2 months! you’ve probably gotten it, it’s blown inside.
you can cut off the slop and the thirsty part, the high column should still live. You’ll see.
Thanks for the tip
I didn’t do anything else. I’ll give a little water every couple of weeks.
You can’t save the one hanging down. The others can continue to grow.
I have a similar cactus, it’s been 50 years, but not bigger than yours.
The problem is overpot without drain, you can never control if there is no water in it.
First of all, you get a decent cactus soil, with as much mineral components as possible, a new cactus pot that has a drain below (you can also drill a hole in this beautiful overpot) and gently replants the cactus. After replanting wait three days and then slightly water
Thank you
You can also easily fertilize a cactus once or twice in the summer, i.e. quite normal flower fertilizers but much less than officially indicated and you should have some water already weekly.
In winter you can go back once a month
looks good when it falls then you can intervene otherwise make nix
pour that time that he can take water again