Ist mein Jungfernhäutchen gerissen?
Also folgendes ist passiert
Während dem Sportunterricht habe ich mich recht nass angefühlt und bin auf der Toilette gegangen. Dort habe ich gesehen das meine Hose voll mit Blut war. Danach habe ich mir eine Binde angezogen da ich dachte ich hätte meine Periode (Es war morgen). Aber am Abend hatte die Binde immer noch nicht mal einen tropfen Blut. Kann es sein das ich nicht meine Tage hatte sondern mein Jungfernhäutchen gerissen ist? Hab ziemlich angst davor weil ich noch ziemlich jung bin und ich angst habe was andere von mir denken würden..
This with the young lady is largely a myth. It can be very different. It does not always tear and not only at first intercourse. It doesn’t have to bleed. It can also tear and bleed several times.
Maybe you have your days, but today there’s no second bleeding. This is very irregular at the beginning, so it can be possible. And even if your bachelor’s skin is torn, you shouldn’t have any disadvantages. How should your friends or others know that it is torn? You don’t have to tell them if you don’t like it. :
Hey, so you’re badly informed.
So yes, it may be that his young ladybug is torn, but it is not a layer or something, but rather like a rubber band (although differently shaped). It is therefore very stretchy and in most cases it is not possible to check whether or not the juvenile skin is still there.
You know, if you pull a rubber band long, there’s so little cracks. And as these are tissues, blood also comes. However, if you are relaxed, the whole thing can give up more easily, so it doesn’t hurt at all. Well, that was probably the case at sport.