Ist mein dad fremdgegangen?
Hey Leute ..
vor paar Tagen hat mein dad sein Auto in die Werkstatt gebracht und fährt deshalb jeden Tag zusammen mit einer Arbeitskollegin in die Arbeit, gestern sah es so aus als würde ihn etwas bedrücken was er sagen will , er hat aber dann Nix gesagt.
seit paar Tagen ist er auch nicht mehr so liebevoll zu mir bzw meiner Mutter oder meinem Bruder
hat er betrogen oder mach ich mir Zuviel kopfkino ?
Or he’ll take care of the car.
He probably worked with the colleague for quite a long time.
Maybe, but it doesn’t. Of course you can see everything through your own suspect glasses. Without a lot more information, no one can answer this.
Ask him! Perhaps this results in a good conversation. I wish you.
PS: Start with the words – if you are not sure to ask it – ”Papa, you will surely hate me the same….but I have a question….” So you can compensate for the fact that it is done if you think it is necessary)
Do you think I’m making too much head cinema?
Unique head cinema.
You will probably still be able to drive with colleagues of the other sex.
My colleague and I work closely together and also have a good relationship privately. We’ll take our arm and laugh together. Nevertheless, he loves his wife and I love my husband.
But why is he so degrading to me my mom and my brother?
When there were no other reasons for bad mood.
Ask him.
Too much head cinema. Maybe the workshop bill is high or the car is no longer saved.
What do you mean?
The workshop bill is too high:
Repairing your car is so expensive that he can’t afford it.
The car is no longer to be saved:
It no longer believes in God and cannot be saved.
(no joke it may be so broken that you can’t fix it anymore)
Because that can also be a reason for having a bad mood.
He might be worried. And so it’s disgusting, angry, irritated.
But anyway, no one here can tell you what’s going on. Except in the case he or she were active here.
Yes did check it already 😂 but what did it do with it
Yeah, thanks, that’s what I meant.
I don’t know if your dad cheats on your mom.
What you always rhyme when someone has bad mood is unimaginable.