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2 years ago

Just as little as you have pets to be cool, you are uncool if you don’t have one.

Depending on what animals you have, you can for the friends z. even uncooler you have – for example if a dog is, you don’t find any care and can’t meet with your friends. Depends on how much care the pet needs.

2 years ago

You are neither cool nor uncool if you have no pets. In addition, I think it is quite important if animals have to be delivered {possibly}, the only concern that might be considered uncool.

2 years ago

Sorry but pets are not for the coolness factor da🤦

I haven’t had any animals for a long time, yet I wasn’t in love or something.

2 years ago

I’d take care of whether your animal comes in good hands when you have to give it away! And you’re not uncool if you don’t have an animal or if you have one you’re not cool

2 years ago

Is absolutely no problem if you have no

And if that’s a problem for your friends then talk to you because contact

2 years ago

What do you care about other people? If it is no longer financially to be done, you can at least admit that it is better if you get somewhere else, then you and the rest of the family really don’t have to listen, people should rather go outside their own door there has enough to do.

2 years ago

what no?

even if someone fixes your “destiny” on the basis of your pet or other material things, you should remove this person directly from your life because you are much more important than your possession

2 years ago
