Ist man nach 1,5 Liter Weißwein angetrunken?
Wenn der 9,5 Prozent hat mit 1,5 Liter
Wenn der 9,5 Prozent hat mit 1,5 Liter
Hallo zusammen, ich brauche dringend Rat von dieser Community, da ich total hin- und hergerissen bin und nicht weiß, was das Richtige für mich ist. Ich bin 30 Jahre alt und habe in meiner Kindheit schmerzhafte Erfahrungen gemacht, darunter Missbrauch. Eine Sache, die ich mit großer Intensität erlebe, ist meine Beziehung zum Alkohol. Ich liebe…
Moin 😀 Wollte nur mal fragen, wie das bei euch so aussieht? Finde rauchen ästhetisch mache es aber so gut wie nie (auf partys mal ne zigarette oder mit Freunden ne Pfeife)Hab Angst davor dass ich als Erwachsener Raucher werde weil ich weiss dass es einen echt kaputt macht
Wenn ja ist Alk genauso schlimm wie sehr scharfes Essen in dem Kontext?
Hallo, ich habe grade (15:45) die Pille danach eingenommen. Heute Abend, wollte ich mit meinen Freunden rausgehen und ein wenig was trinken. Kann ich das noch oder wirkt die Pille danach dann nicht mehr?
Not everyone drinks wine alike.
Body weight, food, sex and drinking habits play a very important role.
But 1.5 l of wine is drunk more than thirst, no one is sober.
This corresponds to about 114 grams of alcohol. An average man who tries to drink this amount over three hours would have an estimated 1.6 promille. That’s far more than “pooring”. There you can already show various pronounced failure phenomena.
Maybe interesting:
If the same man would drink this amount within an hour, he would already have about 2 promille and thus close to a potentially dangerous area.
Maybe helpful:
I think you should always drink slowly and consciously if you already drink. Alcohol begins to work after a few minutes, but it can take 30 to 60 minutes until it passes completely into the blood and completely unfolds its effect. It means that from the time when you stop drinking, the effect can only increase a little further, which is particularly unpleasant to dangerous, if you stop until it is too much for you.
Depending on the constitution and reconciliation, one can even be reddish. But at least drink. More than that.
Depends on whether you’re used to drinking when no you’re pretty fast like an aquarium😅
Personally, I’d be pretty drunk. But it depends on what and how much you have eaten before, in what form of day you are, or whether you are used to alcohol.
…and the sex you have. Men usually take twice as much as a woman. Tell my doctor.
This is refuted by a new study published in ‘The Lancet’. At 17 the liver can’t even drain any alcohol.
Yes, men “contract” more because they have a higher proportion of water in the body and usually bring more weight to the balance. But if that’s twice as much? I wouldn’t be sure.
The questioner is 17.
I’m talking about men, not little boys
Certainly, especially in such a short time and possibly without food. But is there any wine with only 9.5%?
not just drowned.
From drowned to drowned. Depends on how used to alcohol.
Drink very rare
You should be really drunk.
Nothing just wanted to mention everything cool
What does that have to do with your question? Troll?
Cool thing that costs only 1.99
Yeah, definitely.
Who drinks 1,5l of wine at once?
yes, just a little
Reif for the clinic.
If you have no high tolerance Yes
No, I always drink that after work to relax.