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Compared to what?
That’s what it comes to.
When I was 10, I thought 19 was old.
I think 55 is young.
No, I can’t. You have the most life ahead of you.
It always depends on the perspective. From my point of view, you’re a boy’s mouth with 19. Surely children are old with 19 J.
And 17?
No, you’re not old with 19.
for me if you are older than you then you seem to find no
And 17?
nich so much but last older but nich old I think
What do you mean older?
very young.
For children and young people, however, very old.
No. You’re 19.
Definitely not. I’ll be 20 soon, you’ll be at the beginning of life
I don’t hope I’m going to be 19, but I’m still feeling very rude
Your little brother would say: boah is already old. I’d say you’re still very young.
And 17?
No, that’s where life starts right.
No. You’re young. You’re never too old.
You’re as old as you feel.
And 17?
there is the same
Of course not. You’re a young adult. 😉
Of course not, you are just out of the children’s area \../
When you’re 19 you’re bloody and almost adult. ☺️
Yes, more than twice as old as with half of 18.
With 19 you are very young.
Yes with 12 you are now 12 years old or you are 7 years old or you are 80 years old.
No,young,no more tea
Do not have any meaningful questions, every day the same
You are actually 19
Like a mummy