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Yes, as Geier eats Aas, so already dead animals. It’s normal.
I used to eat a living animal (Auster), was not so intoxicating.
Precisely oysters and plants “breathe” on the plate, meat is just before the convulsion so I found the question exciting.
Of course not, death cannot be eaten.
Life can be eaten. And well, the butcher’s meat doesn’t live anymore…I found the thought somehow exciting.
So, no life you can’t eat, otherwise it would be gone later! 😅
I think death and life are abstracts, and one abstract cannot be eaten. 💁
You can pick berries in the forest. Especially when they’re sunwarm. 🤗
Usually yes, aaab fruits like apples breathe further through their skin after harvesting. And you can also bite into a lively salad that is still associated with earth. 🤪
Yeah, that’s right. Of course we’re just eating dead stuff. Even plants etc. we usually eat when they are already dead. 💁
Sorry “living” and “dead”. I think that’s true today.
When it comes to this scale, one is a “deather” than plants are beings.
Yes, however, plants continue to live after the harvest, which also breathes. Edible Fleisch does not breathe and is without preservation shortly before the convocation, therefore the question.
Of course, meat is finally from the dead animal
It can also be called aas-eaters, carnivores, etc.
Deaths are called the followers of the Dark Lord in the Harry Potter books/films. It has nothing to do with meat. So not
Potter! Where’s he going?
How to eat death?
And Harry Potter has nothing to do with it;)
Life can be eaten strangely. And if it doesn’t live anymore, like meat, I thought it was called that. Well, perhaps the magicians know more..
Good luck! Otherwise, we would be live meat eaters.
It makes sense
Yes because the flesh is of a dead being
Then you’re a connoisseur