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Yes sometimes because some behaviour for other people is not understandable.
A mentally ill person is often on the go in quite different ways. The attitude, way of thinking and behavior of it often comes to incomprehension with fellow human beings. This makes communication difficult. She is sometimes perceived as strenuous, as it is usually considered what one can say to this person and what not to harm her in addition.
Psychic problems are like being played down and so the good tip often comes: “to get together” or “you have to be able to hold something”
It is also very strenuous for those affected, and so it is often withdrawn and social contacts are avoided. Then you don’t have to pretend anything and don’t explain.
Thanks for the star
Jap, for others you’re usually already. Not for everyone, but for a lot.
Unfortunately, this turns out to me and I myself also see myself as a difficult person, but I am quite aware that there is much more difficult (yes, you yourself sometimes think so. Especially to feel better yourself).
It depends on some. For example, if you constantly laugh at his environment with his problems. I find such people extremely strenuous and difficult. Important : it is not about people who mention it in the meantime. I mean, they really do it every day. And that’s what I find in the long run extremely annoying.😬 I think I can write it so openly. Everyone is allowed to share his opinion.
For the other people probably already. Others would certainly call me “small people,” but I am not.
I unfortunately reached my “helpful” limit
It doesn’t matter. But there’s one thing, I’m evaluating a lot, but I’ve never achieved that before.
For anyone, everyone is a difficult person. Psychic problems make this more likely, of course. Certainly.
Yes, maybe not difficult, but at least unusual
Not for me, but for many other people, unfortunately
Mostly unfortunately yes
Then you don’t get hard, then you’re hard to TUT.
Yes, unfortunately…
All right.