Ist man ein schlechter Mensch, wenn man tierische Produkte konsumiert?

Weil man das ja nicht muss und nur für den Genuss Tiere ausgebeutet werden und sterben?

Oder ist das egal, weil Tiere … dafür da sind(?).

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11 months ago

That’s a serious question. I think in the end, everyone has to answer them for themselves. I don’t think you are. In nature there are many carnivores – we are now also animals.

But we should not consume meat every day. This is not good for the environment and the climate, nor for your own health. A few times a week lasts.

Those who want to give up meat completely for moral or taste reasons should not be condemned. In the end, nutrition is a very individual thing.

11 months ago

I’m just thinking out loud, right?

rape? I don’t think you are. In nature there are many rapists – we are now also animals.

But we shouldn’t rape every day. This is neither good for society nor for our own health. You could catch up with sexual diseases. A few times a week lasts.”

ANNEX If the arguments are to be valid in your answer, would they not have to be applicable to other forms of violence?

11 months ago
Reply to  Devoid8

This comment is relentless and radical.What does meat have to do with rape?So every meat eater is a rapist? Or all meat eaters are generally criminals?What makes us criminals? A millennium-old diet? Or today’s production methods are telling us to lead to crimes in animals? Every meat eater has the choice to buy meat of the highest stance with the strictest organic seals and to eat rare meat. Or rather those who earn golden noses of cheap meat production because most want to pay only 2€ for carving?First think,then comment.

11 months ago
Reply to  Devoid8

I’m sorry, but black rhetoric is not my style. In principle, I do not go further

11 months ago

Just constantly swimming against the stream is also exhausting…

Do you have the motivation to become really vegan? And if so, what else fails? How can you help?

11 months ago

What does meat have to do with rape? So every meat eater is a rapist? Or all meat eaters are generally criminals?What makes us criminals?

I’m just talking about the act, I don’t tell the perpetrators. But since you ask, please.

Yeah, I’m saying that the act of cutting someone’s throat is very bad in all cases. No matter who the victim is. A calf suffers just as much as a child if I killed a child.

But if one wants to judge the perpetrators, then the intention also plays a role. Was it intended? Did the person know what she was doing? Was it an emergency? Even if the result is the same for the victim, the perpetrator may not even be punished according to the intention.

The difference between killing and eating a person or an animal is as follows:

That it’s awfully wrong to kill a person, we know that. With this moral conviction we grow up. I don’t think anyone would trust me. Laws are also opposed. So a cannibal would have to throw all morality and sympathy for the victim over the pile and take the consequences of criminal law to commit this act. So there’s a lot to be wrong with this person.

It’s different when eating meat. We are indoctrinated from birth that it would be okay not to force human animals to eat their bodies. We are even fed with it before we can understand what it is. The whole society closes the eyes. On the packaging we print a photo of a healthy pig on a pasture and not one from mass livestock or slaughterhouse. We are told that animal love and compassion would be compatible with making animals hell and killing them violently. Animal meat is sold everywhere, relatives even talk about it, cook it for one. You just don’t have to think about the cruel murder of non-human animals.

DAS is a huge difference on the perpetrator side. Yeah, meat food is a crime. No, meat eaters are not criminals.

How could I say that Fleischesser were criminals? I was one of the most of my life and I know I wasn’t a bad person.

This topic is not about us, the perpetrators. Just for the victims. To her immeasurable suffering. We can’t forget that.

11 months ago

So, you look at the documentation? At least look in? Are you ready to at least check if it’s really okay what we do to animals? Aren’t they worth thinking about it?

11 months ago

What makes you always believe that the death skills are experiencing or a life like in hell?

Are you trying to contradict me, or do you really want to know?

If the latter, please: Dominion Documentation on Youtube

Please look at it. This shows no exceptions, but a realistic picture of the animal industry. Yes, also the German animal industry.

11 months ago

Yeah, come on, let’s just fuck with morality. Doesn’t matter if others are suffering death because of me. That I am the reason others live a life like hell. Who needs empathy? Mainly, I can be comfortable and easy to do without thinking and leave what I want.

Let’s be honest. Why don’t I just force the guy I think is cute for sex? Why don’t I beat my boss green and blue? My stepmother made my youth hell, why shouldn’t I just drop them?

What does morality still mean if SCHUHE is a sufficient reason to do other massive cruelty??

11 months ago

To this I would like to mention that there are or have been societies in which it was also considered to be okay to kill certain people without a scout. Foreigners, unbelievers, other, weaker, etc.
At that time, it felt as okay to do as it feels right for you to let non-human individuals violently kill.

11 months ago

Man has lots of impulses that other animals have:

  • Sex with someone who likes one, no matter what the other thinks
  • rape in itself… may be that you are not part of it, but rape fantasies are nothing unusual
  • Someone who has done a bad thing to do violence
  • Other suppressions
  • The one who is interested in the same woman/man gets rid of

etc. These are also things that happen that people sometimes do.

The reason why this is rare is that we not only have our shoots, but also moral ideas and compassion. We know that we hurt others very much if we just do everything and leave what we want. We also have social and state rules in mind.

The reason why it feels okay for you to suffer other death skills, as long as this person is not a human being, is our society. We were all indoctrinated from birth to find it okay. There are no social or legal rules against it. We suppress our empathy, zb by printing on the packaging happy pigs and no photos of slaughter.

Meat eating is just as a natural drive as rape and kill enemies. Our morality should keep us from it. We can make free choices and are not delivered to our shoots, like non-human animals.

11 months ago

You haven’t answered my question yet, it’s really important

May a man who has no blockade to eat other people, an other person who doesn’t want to stun it by bolt shot, then cut him up the main beater, let him bleed him out and eat his body?

They don’t die screaming. You have already written that the mistakes are in battle

But these mistakes happen and cannot be ruled out, as long as they are slaughtered at all. the 76 million who die in Germany alone every year can’t just be ignored! This is an unbelievably large number, which are almost as many as people living in Germany!

11 months ago

There are men who have no blockade about rapes and find the idea to do that very well.

Just like you don’t seem to have a blockade to let someone screaming die for a delicious meal.

So could this man be raped because he has no blockage to that?

11 months ago

Is it okay to kill anyone against his will, if I’m stubborn?

By the way, misaunting always occurs. Approximately every tenth animal is killed in Germany without proper anesthesia and dies in a crippling and screaming manner. This is accepted cheaply [Source] We are talking about 76 million victims each year alone in Germany.

11 months ago

That’s not an argument.

I wouldn’t go on thinking if I didn’t know the answer.

Can you answer the following question? No embarrassment, just a simple question:

Suppose you cut someone who didn’t want to cut the throat. And he cries and clings to fear and pain until his death occurs.
does it play in evaluating this act, so whether it was morally reasonable to do that, a role which was the victim?

11 months ago


Man is a predator. Point!
The human organism needs plant and animal food. Point!

Why should a person who normally feeds on varied and extensively be a bad person? This is already illogical from logic.

It is necessary to have it because the body needs everything from A-Z. Consider the animal kingdom. Why do certain animals have adapted chewing tools and digestive organs? Why is man so equipped? If, for example, man had to take only plant food, this would be different. The person can eat “everything” and is equipped for that. In addition, man needs everything from A-Z. One side is never good. There are several studies. I’ve already tested the vegetarian and vegan. Didn’t taste me, I had deficits, was weak and tired, and it was expensive. I stay with humanity and nature. I’ve already killed one animal or another. So? Has something changed with the companies? The people who always chat should do something themselves.

How is it in the animal kingdom? Do you think the polar bear’s going around with the robe? There’s gonna be a living seal for hours. With YouTube and in “real” docus you see that. Or a lion crawls around a GNU while it is fully conscious. So I don’t need a person with suffering, drama and co. And, it is not about consumer behaviour or because “presumably” everything must be favorable, but about the greed of the manufacturers. I don’t know a manufacturer who lives humblely and gets nasty. Look at the numbers of various companies. They’re not that poor. Compare the housing situation of the manufacturers/providers. Very modest

You will not believe it, but animals have always been kept as farm animals or as a source of food. Only the human being, as he can spiritually, is thinking about everything. Of course it doesn’t have to be that you torture animals extra. I’m also for a fast clean death, but in nature it’s not too clashing. In this respect, one must not hurdle around or blame the “bad” people. Thoughts should be done, but not always dramatize everything. I already know “reisseric” videos from PeTA. Nonetheless, it doesn’t change that I eat a lot of meat in the week. I get a lot of meat from the peasant and butcher, but it’s always expensive. Whoever complains can give me money, then I change that. Why should I suffer, dispense and throw money I don’t have out the window? Why don’t you sit with the companies? They deserve enough. If you earn a few euros less, everything would be “humaner”. Only, the greedy people don’t want to. Go through this with an economist. It’s all right if you want.

I also don’t think it’s good that, for example, male chicks are being choked. In addition, I don’t think it’s nice when, for example, putting the beak. You could list 10000000 things. It lies with manufacturers and greed, not with people who need various things. And those who whisper should rather do something and go to the companies instead of making people eating meat stupid from the side. And yes, the cost factor also plays a role. Whoever is a doctor, an engineer, a lawyer, etc. can afford everything. Only, the mass doesn’t earn so much money and has to turn around every cent 4x. Here, too, you have to go to the companies, not to the people.

Always this moral apostle in connection with the pronouncement of humanity.
If you listen to the nonsense of the Bubble, you get bad. Also at PeTA everything has been dramatically raised. Then they should change that, tear down the bud or take money in their hands, make it better/other. But, it’s about your own concerns and the purse, then the activists are quite quiet.

Nothing will change.
I won’t eat tomorrow, and then?
There will always be greedy companies that are the problem.

And if we do this differently, then does it change something worldwide? What about other countries?

The activists like to donate money to me, then I breed everything myself. No topic. I’ve already slaughtered animals myself.

My grandmother had chickens (eggs) and cows (milk). Yeah, well, you’re gonna be crying for the milk again. Something is always.

Not all companies are bad.

11 months ago

The social factors behind a person are much more complex than “is good because he does not eat meat” and “is bad because he eats meat”

So you can’t just divide a person into bad and good, no matter how often you see them and how little you like them.

You can also read enough about life connected to death on other questions.

And finally, animals are not existent for eating them. However, one should also see what animals actually exist for. When one takes the basic life of a living being, a start comes somewhere, for example a birth, then a division, that is a reproduction and then death. Or one can also say that living beings who never die so completely without mutation, in any case they usually continue multiply. In any case, one already realizes that animals have the meaning to replant and/or to die. So nature is simply designed to receive itself and that by birth, reproduction and death. If we are already overpopulated as a human being, it is clear that we can kill not only animals from joy and taste, but also because they can penetrate the human habitat and harm themselves, the environment, objects or people. People can only lead as hunters and not in direct symbiosis with all animals a proper life with the satisfaction of further needs than the lowest. So you would have relatively big problems getting the road network, the agricultural and agro-economy would be more handy and life would be more comparable to the Middle Ages.

I don’t know if it doesn’t matter to the animals, you have to ask them…

11 months ago

But I don’t like to be insulted as animal killers, ash eaters, animal tortures and the like only because of my diet.I don’t like to prescribe what I can eat,who I can choose,what I can say or how I have to write my own mind.I can’t be oral and my choices.

11 months ago

to question 1, whether one is a bad person when eating animal food:

No. You’d be a bad person when you throw food away. It doesn’t matter whether it’s plant or animal.

“because you don’t have to…”

I’m glad you don’t have to, but you can decide yourself. You can hunt me with fried liver or spinach.

Or do you think that every person must eat spinach? Or is it without spinach? I think so. You don’t have to eat it, you just eat it for pleasure.

“To be exploited…”

When I feed my cops and they grow nice, I don’t prey them. On the contrary. I give them food and take care of them.

Or will your parents take care of you when they give you food, clothing and apartment so you can get bigger and retire later?

“…and die”

so is the passage of life. Nothing lives forever.

But for milk, eggs, honey or wool, no animal is killed.

“Or doesn’t matter because animals are there for that”

No, it doesn’t matter.

And yes, animals are there for that. The animals are here and they live.

Imagine that your parents would have thought that the children are exploited somewhere in Bangladesh, and therefore decided not to support this child’s exploitation and to do without a child (to YOU).

How much suffering would the world have saved you and them? As sad as the child becomes, when one day it learns that there is no Santa Claus, or the child must remain alone in kindergarten, a 6 in school, love grief when the child learns that everyone must die… So much suffering in a child’s life…

Or are you happy to be in this world, despite the many sufferings that you’re getting along like that? I hope: YES.

11 months ago
Reply to  DerJens292

so is the passage of life. Nothing lives forever

achso, is that a justification for killing children? these are most mastics. not even smiling.

But for milk, eggs, honey or wool, no animal is killed.

That’s not true. Please inform. In the animal industry, every animal is slaughtered at some point if it has not already died by bad attitudes.

In addition, the calves that have to bear cows to produce breast milk are often slaughtered in childhood. They are just a waste product of the dairy industry.

Like male chicks in the breeding of laying hens.

11 months ago
Reply to  Devoid8

This is the nature of life. Man is an all-eater also meat.

A cat eats the mouse; a snake the rat a lion the antelope and a shark the seal. be eaten and eaten. That’s what the world is.

It’s been like that for millions of years. You can’t change that.

11 months ago

It doesn’t change that plants are unable to feel pain.

Surely you finish the discussion. There is no justification for cruelty either.

Are you actually for or against animal cruelty?

11 months ago

What does food have to do with a murdered neighbor?

It doesn’t lead to anything, I’ll end the discussion.

By the way; Plants talk to each other. They report to their neighbours by fragrances when they are infested by eating enemies.

Exchange information about nutrients, dryness and other environmental conditions via roots and fungal tissue in the soil.

They’re more intellectuals than so many expected.

11 months ago

Because plants do not have a nervous system, therefore also have no pain receptors and are unable to feel pain. That’s why. They have no consciousness either.

If someone would drop your neighbor tonight. Why would that be cruel? Because he’s a human? Or because he suffered?

Does it matter who the victim is? Is it okay to divide individuals into “has an inviolable right of life” and “who are violently murdered for enjoyment”?

11 months ago

Just because we go up and drive, we’re not better.

I could also ask why you kill plants to feed you.

11 months ago

Why do you orient your behavior on what animals do? Do you know what happens in the animal world? Children of one species are killed, females are raped, secondary bulls are killed in competition, their own eggs are eaten, artisans eaten… I hope you’d never do that for yourself. But with this one thing that one kind of eats the other, DA do you think it’s okay to call you what animals do?

Don’t you have a human understanding? Are you controlled by your shoots? Can’t you take decisions? Don’t you know morality?

11 months ago

No, we’ve been doing this for 100000 years. You’re a bad person when you’re undercare and your children are under nourished

11 months ago

I think no. But there is also a lot of self-betrug behind it, because I now like to eat meat. Because I love animals. But unfortunately, I love them grilled or roasted. Sounds hard, but it is. In addition, an abyss depth affection against vegetables. Besides, I consider the cucumbers on the citizen and the pommes as the only vegetables I eat. It would be bad to throw it away, but eat, jein.

11 months ago

No, what do you think? In addition, food and drink is not just about enjoyment, but also about providing optimally with important nutrients.

There are animal products a very good source.

11 months ago
Reply to  Angulimala1610

No, enjoyment is and can be part of food. It doesn’t have to be a priority, nor is it a duty to eat and drink.

11 months ago
Reply to  Angulimala1610

No, meat contains important substances that cannot be absorbed by planting food.

11 months ago

Energy in the form of calories, essential nutrients such as essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, trace elements.

This is the main reason why we have to take food to us. Or what did you think we’d eat and drink?

11 months ago


I know as Förster that in our since the Neolithic period for food production from humans re-educated landscape hunting is a subdued necessity if the remaining remains of the forest can still grow.

Would I be a better person if I didn’t eat the wild pret that comes in, but would make it land in the waste incineration?

And, no, Devoid, we don’t hold the zappelling deer and slit their throats.

11 months ago

I think this is very dependent on how much you eat and where.

11 months ago

No, you’re not a bad person, but you can possibly pay attention to the good attitude of the animals, take organic products from your own region without too long transportation routes. take eggs with number 0 or 1 instead of the 3.

11 months ago
Reply to  Picea007xyz

Can an attitude that ends with the violent killing be good? Is there a good way to cut someone’s throat that doesn’t want to die?

Lables like organic and postures otherwise what are nothing but consumer deception. For people to have compassion with animals, continue to buy their parts of their bodies.

11 months ago
Reply to  Devoid8

Aha a killing of farm animals is violent as IMMER. Flat-rate and slightly differentiated statements…!

11 months ago
Reply to  Devoid8

Well, if you want to see it so extreme, you’re right. It doesn’t stop everyone living vegan.

11 months ago

Huh? The fact that animals have to be anesthetically does not alter anything that they are killed by slitting the throat. You tried to deny that until that time, so I think you don’t know…

Most animals are used by means of a bolt gun or Ball shot before so stunned that they don’t feel anything anymore or are dead immediately on the spot.

Wrong. Not most animals, but primarily cattle, sheep and goats. This method is prohibited in pigs [Source] They are mostly gassed for stunning with CO2. This alone is cruel as they suffer a suffocation attack and feel like dying. [Source] the other pigs and Poultry is dusted by electric flow.

No matter how the animals are stunned: There are methods in which misaunting can never be excluded. So every tenth animal dies without working anesthesia and experiences his painful death with. [Source] They’re screaming and shaking. It’s just going to be accepted. This is about 76 million animals annually in Germany.

11 months ago

What a bullshit. How many times have you been in battle? How long have you been working in a farm that slaughters and processes farm animals?

Most animals are used by means of a bolt gun or Ball shot before so stunned that they don’t feel anything anymore or are dead immediately on the spot.

Time for any “adult fantasies” as you propagate them here is no longer there.

Everything is regulated by law. You can read z. the BSR in the national rules for slaughter within the EU.

11 months ago

The word slaughter describes by definition the killing of an animal by blood withdrawal. This is done by severing the cuffs. We are talking here 750 million animals each year. In Germany alone.

What is to be flattered by the statement “For meat consumption animals are violently killed”?

11 months ago

Is that the only way to die you know? I think you look too many bad movies…

11 months ago

How is it not forcibly to cut someone’s throat? Someone who doesn’t want to die?

11 months ago

Not every killing is violent, nor presupposes violence. Not in humans or animals.

11 months ago

How would you differentiate it?

11 months ago

Well, what does it mean? It is not extreme to have a clear position against cruelty and murder.

If you understand what you support when buying animal products, it should not be hard to live vegan. At least not in our society.

11 months ago

Eating people animal and eating animals animals. So there are also animals that do not necessarily have to eat animals to survive. Being good or bad has nothing to do

11 months ago
Reply to  Angulimala1610

Morality is something in your mind, so people have thought out to regulate certain behaviors or living together.

There is no morality in nature.

11 months ago
Reply to  Angulimala1610

Man is not moral, but double moral. “Once the food comes, then the morale”

11 months ago
Reply to  PESHEVA

Animals also rape animals. Can I do this now?

11 months ago
Reply to  Devoid8

There are no human laws among animals. You can do what you want as a human being: just don’t let it get caught. But even if you don’t get caught, you get your just punishment. She can even hurry up on your bed

11 months ago

What does it look like?

You wish people rape animals, the worst punishment.

Now you know that animals are raped for the production of dairy products and are also massively tortured in other ways.

What are you starting with that knowledge?

11 months ago

Right, for makeup, animal tests are often made. Luckily there are brands that do not do this, these products are then also labeled vegan, as vegans pay attention.

Now you know. To give a cow milk, she must have been pregnant like a man. Cows are usually artificially fertilized. For this, a cop with an artificial vagina is abmasturbed, already alone that is sick enough.

The seed is then planted in cows. for this one pushes his arm into the rectum of the cow, grabs her womb from the inside, inserts it vaginally a syringe and sprays the seed into her womb.

That looks like

Or so:

11 months ago

I can’t be aware of everything. Even the woman who melts or turns her eyelashes. Before that, it had to be tested on animals. So many vegans are also getting a taste

11 months ago

I’m glad we agreed.

Are you aware that with the purchase of dairy products, you are paying people to penetrate the rectum of a cow with the whole arm?

11 months ago

But for every human rapist the best medicine for him when he is raped himself. At least he knows what that means. With prison sentence or death sentence, he doesn’t know