Are you immediately addicted again if you take or smoke just once after 84 days clean?

I was addicted to amphetamines for months, doing lines every day for several months… I'm currently 84 days clean. But the addiction is still stronger than me… I'm fed up with this strong craving every day and the fight against the addiction.

I just have one question: IF I were to draw a tiny or even a small line again after so many days clean, would I be right back in the deep addiction like I was 84 days ago?

I'm just asking… doesn't mean I'll do it.

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2 years ago

You try to justify your demand here and apologise in advance, but you meet the decision on your own just as you carry any consequences on your own.

2 years ago

You’re looking for a reason for a relapse? Are you a medical assistant?

2 years ago

Unfortunately, yes. Consumption for a deprivation should take place if really only if that deprivation is really finished (after my deprivation I also went out for 4 months extremely fucking meanwhile I sometimes take something without looking). If you still have search pressure, it’s the best to give after that, you’ll be back. But still respect for the 84 days streak

2 years ago

This is the damn thing about the addiction: it remains even if you have the physical withdrawal behind you. pull one time. then you’re back where you were.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nicohey0

I will. Hold on! and do nothing else so long, sport: e.g. run, cycle. that can clear the head!

2 years ago

Yes, this is a very clear and unambiguous fall! Leave it and be proud of the time you didn’t do anything. Don’t risk it!

2 years ago

But the addiction is still stronger than me.

so you have answered the question yourself if you take back to the drug from search pressure, you don’t have to be “new addicted” at all, but were still addicted until this time

If after so many clean/days I would draw a tiny or hold a small line again, would I be directly back in the depth dependency as before 84 days?

you never know that exactly, the probability that it wouldn’t stay with this one mini line is damn big, so much is firm

2 years ago

If you take it again, it means you are no longer clean

2 years ago

Just the IST dependency!

2 years ago

you are Reverse and tells the body “hey, that was just a break. now we’re going to go again. With this, you start from zero again during the withdrawal.

2 years ago

Your 84 days would be before your ass and you start from the front.The question is you would come out with you without making any accusations later? But if you had the wish to really stop listening and you are doing a planned fallbackšŸ¤will be really difficult for you and your psyche.

2 years ago

Be proud of you and even more proud of you, how far you have managed and will continue to make clean.

2 years ago

Yes :