Ist man automatisch wütend und traurig, wenn man verletzt bzw. enttäuscht wurde?


Ist man automatisch wütend und traurig, wenn man verletzt bzw. enttäuscht wurde?

Hängen diese beiden Gefühle bzw. Emotionen in solchen Fällen unmittelbar zusammen und man kann nicht nur traurig oder nur wütend sein?

Treten die dann eher zeitgleich auf oder in Abständen (Trauerphasen)?

Bei mir ist das Gefühl der Trauer viel häufiger und stärker als das der Wut.

Klar ist jeder Mensch anders, aber es gibt doch sicher so allgemeine Sachen, die bei so gut wie allen etwas zutreffen.

Sorry, mich verwirrt das grad voll.


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1 year ago

Sadness and anger actually hang together. Either you’re sad or angry, one of them. But there is a third way to react to alleged injuries: love! You have to know that no other can hurt you emotionally. The feeling of being hurt is made by yourself by self-defence. You make yourself the hostile energy of others (unconsciously) and judge them against yourself. This is the basis for your grief, rage, lethargy or anything else. You don’t need to reject yourself, but you can practice taking emotional pain and lovingly treating you. Then you have sympathy with yourself and also for the other who (or who) is not right with his/her emotions. From despair or inability to find peace in itself, the person directs the destructive energy that is killing in this poor person against something external. Instead of taking responsibility for your own thoughts and emotions, the cause is sought outside. This is childish behavior. It’s still normal for small children. The ability to self-reflection and management of one’s own thoughts and emotions only develops in the course of growing up. But if you unfortunately had parents who can’t do that as adults, they can’t give the child any love. That’s it. But you can catch up.

1 year ago

I don’t think that you always react with anger. I even think that the predominant part does not react that way. Helplessness, powerlessness, paralysis, indifference, incapacity, infidelity, incomprehension, hysteria, self-destruction, guilt promises, sacrificial attitude … There are several emotional states or reactions that can replace rage and or mourning.

You can only be angry or sad, you can be both at the same time, both alternately, time-delayed or not.

The only thing that really always applies is that expectations have been disappointed. You either didn’t have this exit or you didn’t expect it to happen. The deception about it is then cancelled (one was disappointed) and gains clarity about it. It is then possible to react in a variety of ways.

1 year ago

This depends on how much ego has been learned from 2 to 5 years. Or one remained the selfich, which one had to learn before.

So, I stayed selfich. Almost always watched, instead of judging. I realized what and how all and everything was. But I didn’t judge it.

Later from 10 I still understood others and everything. But I often didn’t want to be like others who were refined. But only from 16 it was sometimes sad.

After that, I had a defense ego. Understood, but sadly protected me from the cheeky, refined users.

Wut, Groll, Hass, envy was never mine, since I understood. So I was sad though, but myself had hobbies and skills to compensate.

I’ve only been here in GF, for 4-5 years, since the first account, with almost 70 years, learned to fight me. But I’m playing anger and I’m just getting angry. Because I understand egocentrics, which is why they are so down from above. I haven’t even been sad for 17 years.

For 17 years, in grace, I’ve achieved security in the game of life. _ Before, I had only grief for uncertainty.

I was and am different. I know everyone is influenced by his environment. But I also believe that if we are mature for grace, we also understand all the hints of the universe differently than with merit.

The merit judges the duality as good or evil. It’s a disgust. It’s nothing to be happy inside.

I know the mourning when family members died and were no longer here. In doing so, I also had anger phases that they simply went and read alone.

But whoever has anger over everyday, who lives the sufferings of the world, Buddha called it. He evaluates and judges much too much, instead of understanding, protecting himself and walking minus into plus. Because we’re all here for learning. You learn most from minus. If you want to wait instead of plus. I’m expecting her.

1 year ago

Resignation, apathy, casual playback, distraction or self-reflection are also adequate reactions, for example.

1 year ago

So this is a point where it is not too general, but is simply too individual. The only thing I would say is the grief very often in rage can but otherwise it is easy to individual what will outweigh or even appear. Both feelings hang together but it’s too individual.

1 year ago
Reply to  StrongHeart

So deceitful, I would connect more and more with sadness than with anger. So if I say, for example, that I’m dehumidified then I’m sad, so with me personally. But the anger comes after it.

1 year ago

If you are emotional at the mental level of a child, you are very angry after disappointments. When you grow up, you should be able to control negative emotions and consider the situation sober.

1 year ago

It’s about what it’s about!

I’ll swallow it once, even if I find it inconvenient, I’ll get some air! I’m not an aggressive person.

1 year ago

varies from person to person. If the person is very sensitive or sensitive, then most likely yes.

1 year ago
Reply to  StrongHeart


1 year ago

Usually one of them is the case.

1 month ago


1 year ago

Depends on what you have for a nerve costume and how to deal with such situations I think.