Ist man als B.Sc Biologe nach Abschluss dieses Masters (Bioinformatik) gut geeignet als Softwareentwickler oder ähnliches?

Da ich aktuell im Bachelorstudium Biologie bin und gerne im Bereich der Informatik arbeiten möchte,

stellt sich die Frage, ob ich durch das Belegen dieser Informatik-Modulen aus diesem Master Studiengang gut auf eine Tätigkeit als Softwareentwicklerin oder ähnliches vorbereitet wäre

oder ob es sinnvoller ist, eine Ausbildung zur Fachinformatikerin für Anwendungsentwicklung zu beginnen.

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5 months ago

With a training as a specialist, you are definitely better prepared for a job than a software developer. If you do this training, the level in the vocational school is not particularly high. But (if you have a good training course) you program almost every day of your training. And in the end, you have a multi-year experience and you can do something right.

I would say that a subject-informatic application development can even more than most with a Bachelor in Computer Science. In addition to the Bachelor has also worked during the course and is good.

But I would recommend you to the Master in Bioinformatics. This makes you (in my opinion) worse suited than a FIAE. But you just have a master and therefore much higher grade options. If you decide for the Master, then I would advise you to look for internships or for a job as a working student, so that you come into practice and gather professional experience.

5 months ago

I am now > 15 years of software developer and never had a FIAE as a colleague. i.e. with completed inf./ing.-studium (are corresponding. University closer to you?) you can easily find a software developer job.

By the way, an FH/DH study is more practical than university. Gets IMHO with FH/DH-Bachelor much more a job than with Uni-Bachelor.

And how much software development did you have in the Bachelor? Only in the master will not be enough in practice.


5 months ago
Reply to  Anonym6262727

Okay, then Inf. Uni-Master could make sense. Watch that you have enough ECTS for the master at the end (Bachelor counts with pure and that can be too little depending on the combination in the sum).

Internships for practical experience do not harm.
