ist maggi ein gewürz?
ich und mein “freund” haben eine heiße diskussion:
ist maggi ein gewürz?
ich sage ja, weil ich würze ja mein essen damit
er sagt nein (dumm), weil es flüssig ist. (maggi ist flüssigwürze)
bitte hilft mir und sagt ihm, dass er dumm ist.
Maggi spice is a vegan spice saucenamed after her Swiss developer Julius Maggi. The product is particularly suitable for seasoning soups or stews because of its meaty taste.
So no.
but since it is to season, it is to season
No, it’s definitely spicy sauce. I don’t know any spices that are liquid.
This is a strongly concentrated spicy sauce, which consists of several ingredients (see the contents on the bottle).
But there is a spice that is very similar to taste:
It’s not in Maggi.
Spices are natural raw materials, no compound ingredient such as Maggi.
It’s a so-called. HVP, which must only be produced by hydrolysis.
You wanted to know exactly.
I just wanted to say
If Maggi is a green spice, then I’m a knorke knolle.
It’s a liquid spicy.
but why doesn’t it make a spice?
“Spice are flowers, fruits, buds, seeds, bark, roots, rootstocks,
Onions or parts thereof, usually in dried form.”
That’s the definition. This is not true of Maggi.
Maggi is a spice, not a spice.
What’s the difference?
One is spice, the other is spice. This is not so complicated
the definition of spice is a means to season
No, that’s the definition of wort. Spices are spices, but not vice versa.
Maggi is a spice plant
No. The so-called Maggikraut, aka lovage, is not even contained in Maggi wort.