Ist lupus erythematodes unter rheumatologen bekannt?
Ich habe schon lange mit einem sich immer mehr verschlechternden körperlichen zustand zu tun
Ich vermute lupus weil viele Symptome passen und vorallem habe ich schon seit Jahren vorallem nach dem Schwimmen und wenn ich in der Sonne war einen Ausschlag der stark nach diesem schmetterlingserythem aussieht.
Jetzt frage ich mich, wenn ich das habe, kennt das jeder rheumatologe, so dass der das diagnostizieren kann? Das ist ja schon eher eine seltene Krankheit. Wird der überhaupt von selbst Tests in diese Richtung machen? Und ich kann versuchen es an zu sprechen aber viele Ärzte hören ja gar nicht zu wenn man seine eigenen diagnosen mitbringt. Bestimmt oft zurecht, aber meine symptome passen schon sehr gut auf diese Krankheit und ich war schon bei so vielen Ärzten und nichts war wirklich auffällig.
Bis auf die borreliose antikörper aber hatte schon 3 antibiotika therapien. Erfolglos. Und wie gesagt. Dieses schmetterlingserythem ist super auffällig bei mir. Wurde auch schon oft angesprochen ob bei mir alles ok ist deswegen.
Danke schonmal für Antworten
A university hospital, with corresponding departments, such as rheumatology, cardiology etc., would be recommended, alternatively a rheumatologist.
Above all, a lupus is to be differentiated. A discoid lupus erythematodes and a systemic lupus erythematodes are distinguished.
A discoid lupus erythematodes is a chronic light dermatose. This shape affects the skin. One of the most important diagnostic criteria is the Lupusband test. In the course of this study, biops are carried out.
A systemic lupus erythematodes is an inflammatory autoimmune disease. There are inflammations of the heart bag, heart valves etc. and the kidneys can be damaged. Because of this, a very extensive diagnosis is shown. Immunologically, antibodies are checked > antinuclear antibodies, antibodies against dsDNS etc.
A rheumatologist will attract doctors from other disciplines, such as a cardiologist, dermatologist, nephrologist. For further diagnosis, a systemic lupus erythematodes, e.g. an echo > cardiac ultrasound, an abdomen sono > ultrasound etc., are shown.
Happy for you!
I have on 20.1. The appointment with the rheumatologist.
On the referral from the doctor is myalgie: other […] Z.n. Lyme disease V.a chronic CNS inflammation.
Will he look into these ANA values by himself? And are they positive if you don’t have an acute boost?
Do you want me to give the doctor a picture of this one I always have?
First, it is important to make the correct diagnosis, i.e. to differentiate whether it is a discoid lupus erythematodes > DLE or a systemic lupus erythematodes > SLE.
The doctor will create a thorough anamnese and perform a physical examination. I assume that the antibodies are checked. The ANA values are increased in > dermatomyositis, rheumatoid arthritis, SLE > systemic lupus erythematodes etc. For a SLE > HEp2 – IFT over 1:80.
Inflammable diseases of the central nervous system can occur due to pathogens, by bacteria, fungi and viruses, as well as non-irregular/autoimmum. There are many diseases of the CNS, such as myelitis > based on inflammation of the spinal cord. After a borreliosis, a neuroborreliosis can occur in very rare cases. This disease/the symptomy develops rapidly over months/years and runs as an inflammatory disease of the CNS.
A photo of the skin can be presented to the doctor.
Thank you for the star!
My ANA titer was at 1:320 and ena were elevated. You have to take more accurate blood again but is actually good trace. Thank you.
Oh, sorry you had already answered
Bzw sorry last question. If it’s lupus, that’s what’s going on. Are ANA and so positive if you don’t have a sxhub?
Sorry but that’s all so abstract when you don’t know
How do you know all this?
Yes the neuroborreliosis. I don’t know. There was already a ct and a mrt made by my brain and a lumbal puncture in which came out that the borreliosis is inactive. So don’t know how likely this is…
I would recommend a university clinic with rheumatology for diagnosis. There are many investigations necessary, and possibly a neurologist is also added. There you can do all the investigations under one roof.
Do you need a family doctor’s bank transfer?
Lupus is a classic disease with which rheumatologists are outstanding. There are clear laboratory constellations that allow a clear diagnosis of Lupus erythematodes. However, you shouldn’t let autoantibodies be taken off in an unsettled manner. It is much more effective to carry out a targeted diagnosis in rheumatology.
However, I have never experienced that a patient has diagnosed himself with this disease – and I don’t mean it without respect if it should work like that.
A rheumatologist is usually absolutely competent to detect and treat a collagenose such as lupus. If Lupus is diagnosed, it does not necessarily have to be presented in a university clinic. It is different if there are serious complications such as renal or brain participation – in such cases a specialized institution is of course useful.
We should give our colleagues more confidence. Diseases from the rheumatological or autoimmune forms, which can be researched on the Internet, are generally reliably recognized and treated by specialist physicians.
Yes, my trust in doctors is a bit exhausted. For a long time, symptoms weren’t as strong as now, and I was with many doctors and they all made me hypochond and now I’ve been feverish every day and have a whole list of other symptoms. I’m afraid it won’t be looked properly again.
On the referral from the doctor is myalgie: other […] Z.n. Lyme disease V.a chronic CNS inflammation.
Will the rheumatologist look there towards autoimmune disease?
Yes, rheumatologists often have to do with such cases. I’m sure if you get an appointment (which can sometimes take a little longer with rheumatologists) and tells your symptoms, he takes into consideration this and possibly also takes off antibodies. Collagenoses can usually be excluded from my experience. It becomes more difficult if you have one, but you have to class them correctly. Collagenoses or connective tissue rheuma can be very diverse.
Go with good courage! It is always best if the specialist finds nothing – honestly, that is usually a good sign, especially if it is nothing that has to be treated. In the case of lupus, this usually means immunosuppression, sometimes even chemotherapeutics as immunosuppressants.
The rheumatologists I know are all very competent doctors (also beyond their field of expertise). As a rule, they are also excellent internists.
This is a very well-known disease. It is simple to detect corresponding antibodies in the blood.