Ist Listerine krebserregend?
Laut neusten Studien und Forschungen soll vorallem alkoholhaltiges Listerine fördernd für Krebs sein.
Stimmt das und kann man sich darauf verlassen ? Oder kann ich es bedenkenlos weiter benutzen ?
Jetzt habe ich große Angst, weil ich jung bin und fast täglich meinen Mund damit ausspüle. Ich benutze das grüne, alkoholhaltige Mundwasser von Listerine.
Bin noch jung und habe Angst, dass ich irgendwann dadurch Mundhöhlenkrebs o.Ä. bekomme.
would I not make the stuff is too aggressive, you want to do to your mouth what good and gentle take plants that have anti-inflammatory effects as flushing, zb chamomile + peppermint fresh breaths
or sage
also possible is a mixture of propolis which is produced by bees also acts very strongly anti-inflammatory.
ect Stevia zb acts plaque-inhibiting but with it I mean only the green real leaves ground or all, no white funny concentrates. Of this one takes only a pinch to about 150 – 200 ml
What triggers cancer in the oral cavity, in the throat and at the throat, decades of tobacco smoke and alcohol. These are risks.
Listerine is actually less. You rinse your mouth for 30 seconds and it’s good.
Many think that daily use increases the risk of cancer in throat or mouth. How often do you use listrines?
Two times a day early and evening after brushing your teeth..
You only take a small amount to rinse. Listerines are also available without alcohol.
According to the pharmacy survey and current studies from the Internet of July, this should be too much.
I would rely on the latest scientific studies and dispose of listers in the toilet! There are plenty of alternatives!