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Learning is a comprehensive concept that refers to the continuous process of acquiring knowledge and skills across the entire life span of a person.
Because of this, learning contributes to the personal development and development of one’s own personality. Creativity and critical thinking are encouraged.
Yes – Exactly.
Imagine you had to eat, go and talk, etc… not learned.
Yes, of course, you get out without the one or other ability – but if you had 20 only the innate skills and you wouldn’t be able to live alone.
Also gives a number of studies – that life expectancy in old homes is significantly higher if residents have the opportunity to learn new things and so actively shape their lives themselves.
We have endless possibilities to learn and grow every day.
You learn for your future, not directly for your health.
However, if you have learned a lot in life, well earned, then you will secure your health and health financially. Relieving your health complaints at age.
If you’re young, you need money for life when you’re old, you need money to survive.
Healthy I think I’m a slight mishandling to rewrite learning. Learning can promote health, save your life/other life: Certainly, brain activity in some form will also be healthy for the organism, because there is something moving up there.
Yes, learning should best promote self-discipline, train your brain, promote long-term memory and also burn calories. In the best case, you should learn in 30 minutes intervals. So learn 30 minutes and then take 5 minutes. If you are too tired or too unconcentrated, you should take a break and relax your head.
Yes, protects against dementia, for example.
No, it’s superstition. Dementia is inheritable and additional indicators are long-term lack of water and lack of sleep as well as toxic chemicals such as asbestos.
Only 1% of Alzheimer’s disease dementia is based on inheritance.
“Serving Alzheimer’s Denial: Genetic Basics | Alzheimer’s Research Initiative e.V. (AFI)” bases/
Demential diseases must be differentiated > Morbus Alzheimer dementia, vascular dementia, Lewy body disease, dementia in Parkinson’s disease, frontotemporal dementia.
With about 70 percent, Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia in which people suffer. M. Alzheimer’s dementia is only 1 percent!
Uuund genetics are the chromosomes of parents, i.e. ancestors 🙂
The brain is also just a muscle and muscles need to be used to stay healthy.
The brain is not a muscle. It is an organ consisting of nerve tissue and a lot of brain fluid.
3x you can guess how to call people like you….
Yeah, it keeps the brain fit. Through information you become smarter and can act healthy.
In the broadest sense yes
For the spirit definitely!
Yeah, for the brain anyway.