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2 months ago

Hello 🙋

Oh yes, learning is great for your brain and also for your health! 🧠✨ Here are some cool reasons why:

1. Brain workout 💪: Learning keeps your brain fit! When you learn new things, new connections are formed between your nerve cells (synapses). This improves your concentration, memory, and problem-solving ability.

Two. Stress reduction 🌈: If you focus on something exciting, you can forget the stress of everyday life for a moment. It looks relaxing and does your head well.

3. Better thinking performance 🚀: Your brain is like a muscle – the more you use it, the stronger it gets. Regular learning makes you more alert and sharpens your thinking processes.

4. Prevention of diseases 🛡️: Lifelong learning is associated with a lower risk for diseases such as Alzheimer’s because it keeps your brain active and healthy.

Five. Self-confidence🌟: Learning something new gives you the feeling that you can and get something – that makes happy and confident!

6. New perspectives 🌍: You develop a better understanding of the world around you and can look at situations from different angles.

So, whether you read a book, learn an instrument or try a new hobby – your brain will thank you! 😊📚



2 months ago
Reply to  Himbeere722

Hey, that’s a good question xD, I’d say: No, because you can concentrate and reduce stress if you’re almost tied to the topic and interested. LG La

2 months ago


2 months ago

In most cases! So I report there from my experience that it doesn’t work

2 months ago

What’s going on?

2 months ago

It’s at least good for the brain.

2 months ago

Learning promotes the brain.

2 months ago

Of course, learning is good for the brain. Just like thinking, jongling, cycling, etc.