Ist Leipzig eine gute Stadt zum hinziehen?
Ich überlege aktuell ob ich dieses Jahr nach Leipzig ziehen soll. Wie findet ihr Leipzig? Ist das eine gute Stadt zum Leben?
Ich überlege aktuell ob ich dieses Jahr nach Leipzig ziehen soll. Wie findet ihr Leipzig? Ist das eine gute Stadt zum Leben?
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Yes, definitely very worth living and a great city to life.
Find your neighborhood well and make you smart where to live well with a pleasant neighborhood. There are considerable differences.
I personally like Plagwitz or Lindenau. If you like it on the left, you’ll be in Connewitz. Make yourself smart or take a few days to explore the city, not just the centre. Good luck and I’m sure the city will please you.
I only know Leipzig as a tour . My hotel was in Eutritzsch
There are some museums and a lot of gastro.
I like the cotton spinning mill
The zoo is one of the best I know, unfortunately the Koala has slept
I have only visited from outside
My daughter was four years to study in Leipzig, and she liked to be there.
Because I have friends there I know the city very well. If I had to move from here where my home is, Leipzig would be the first choice.
Yes, actually very well wired, I am more often there 🙂 and the zoo is great.
.. but expensive
You just have to find the right virtel
I used to live there, it’s a great city. Find a job there and move.
I wouldn’t want to live in Leipzig, there are more beautiful areas in Saxony.