Ist Lehrer ein guter Beruf? Oder eher nicht zu empfehlen?
ich plane dass ich Lehramt studiere, mit ganz leichten Fächern, ich nehme Geschichte und Religion, weil da kenne ich mich generell aus damit. Im Sommer habe ich den Aufnahmetest.
Dieser Beruf besteht eh nur daraus Kindern da halt ein bisschen was zu erzählen über diese Themen.
Ein Teilzeitjob, der aber als Vollzeitjob bezahlt wird und wo man 15 Wochen im Jahr frei hat.
Mit meinen bisherigen Jobs vergleichen – Gastronomonie, Fließband, Handel – ist das ja nicht einmal wirklich Arbeit.
Das Studium ist sicher auch sehr leicht zu schaffen, Geisteswissenschaften sind immer leicht.
Ich bin froh, dass ich nie mehr in meinem Leben wirklich ernsthaft arbeiten muss, also eine wirklich harte Arbeit machen muss.
Don’t underestimate teachers. It is not a part-time job that is paid as full-time.
In the morning you have school classes and in the afternoon samples are prepared and prepared for the next day.
You don’t have 15 weeks vacation (so always on holiday). You can also prepare for school, be for training, prepare and correct exams…
But otherwise fun
Now, first, you have to study the whole full-time and work next to you for a few years, just feeding yourself from the cheapest and wearing only used clothes. And that’s 7 to 9 years. Then a year of referendariat, there get minimum wage. Yes and then start working and yelling at children all day.
Why should you wear used clothes and feed yourself from the cheapest? Can it be that you have no idea of living as a student?
Teacher is a great profession when you feel called to teach young people, teach them something and prepare them for their future way of life. It is certainly not a light profession that is chosen from convenience, but it is associated with many challenges and personal commitment.
Your ideas are naive at one level, that I’m more likely you’re trying to get us out of here. You can’t really mean that seriously.
That’s what’s on your nerve stand alone!
As a teacher, you have to count on everything today as respect for teachers has been lost.
If I were hired as a primary school teacher, as you can still set the course for the children, what to do and what to do.
All other forms of school I’d advise you if you want to have fun in your profession.
Good luck! 🍀
Well, or in an ejner vocational school, there fly disturbing peace very quickly :-). High school should be strong.
The age doesn’t always have meaningfulness. It’s about how you’re a teacher. At a primary school in Berlin Neukölln, it certainly goes far worse than an elite gymnasium or elite in Baden-Baden. ;
Yes, it is a very great, but also a very busy job.
The job is well paid and you often have vacations. When it comes to you anyway, and you enjoy it, it is optimal
You confuse something – children do not have holidays, teachers because they also work in the holiday season.
So this profession should not come into question for you.
Nevertheless, teachers usually have more freedom than a normal worker in the economy.
What is a normal worker?
A worker who has a comparable training (i.e. with studies) as a teacher who has almost twice the income.
You can also work in the economy in parttime, especially when you have studied medicine with the same time effort you deserve much more.
I think you’re confused.
I have three teachers in the circle of friends (1 times GS and 2x Gymnasium). The weekly number is significantly over 40 weeks with preparation, correction of lessons, testimonials etc (all 3 make a lot even on weekends) and none of them actually has 6 weeks in summer free or generally all holidays free.
The primary school teacher has about 30 students in her class. Among them, however, from very handy to learningly impaired. However, an additional funding faculty (O-Ton it) is “forgot”.
And none of the three works on a “problem school”
If I look at the GS in the neighborhood, there are other problems.
Most of the primary students there have at least one parent with low education and/or poor language skills. At home, many of the pupils don’t get any help because the parents can’t do it themselves. So it’s gotta be school.
“Simplified” compartments. Once a history work has been seen in a performance course history (or quite generally in the upper level). I had history LK and a lot was written with us. My friend has history (and Latin). History is much more complicated in preparation and correction as Latin.
Finally, in the higher classes, the questions are rather less: “from when to when was the Second World War”. Rather from “Analysing and Interpreting XY”
Very good, then call yourself to study and go. 👍🏻
15 weeks off? You don’t think you have to do anything during the holidays? Light subjects??? And “just” with children????
The teacher profession has the highest failures with mental illnesses in the professional world….
Whatever you find out, it has nothing to do with the profession!
It is necessary to have a masochistic suspicion for this profession in order to be delivered to the psychiatry a few years later.
Yes and in Germany they are paid well above average.
I’m also a teacher for math and physics because I just find it.
It’s very easy and I’ve got a15 now, it’s not a commissioner.
If this question is serious, let it stay. You are not suitable for this profession, because you are not about communicating knowledge, but only having as much free time as possible.
My brother-in-law and his wife are teachers at a high school in Lower Saxony. Beiden makes the job a lot of fun, but it is of course a fulltime job. Responsibility is huge and a lot of free time does not. From the 6 weeks of summer holidays go 4 weeks for preparation for the new school year. Of course, you need a strong nervous system.
With your attitude, you’ll never get the teacher’s degree.
And that’s good too.
No student deserves to have such a badly motivated teacher.
At the main school, we applied and harassed the physics teacher with paper lumps. I’ve never seen anything like this at the gymnasium.